Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fact . . . . People Want to Feel Important

Fact . . . . People Want to Feel Important 
“Everyone has an invisible hanging from their neck
saying ‘make me feel important.’”
Never forget this message when working with people.”
Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

As I see it . . . . . . .
Fact . . . . People want to feel important

Life is about making the other person feel important . . . . and bringing value into their lives.

When you’re with someone, make them feel like the most important person in the world. Give them your full . . . . and undivided attention. Show them yours respect . . . . and make them feel like the most important person in the world.

Successes in life and in business come through making people feel important . . . . and helping them to get what they want. As you help others attract more of what they want . . . . you attract more of what you want.

Making people feel important, makes them feel good about themselves and in turn they will feel comfortable in your presents. As to the extent that you make people feel important they will bond with you. Which will becomes foundation to form a strong lasting business relationship based on rapport . . . . trust . . . .and confidence.

The people that you meet have an invisible sign around their neck that saying make me feel important. When you do . . . . you positively move their world. Also by making people feel important new doors will open that where not there for you in the past.

Fact . . . . People want to feel important.  Do your best to help them to feel that way . . . . and you will nurture . . . . and develop your business relationships to a higher and more productive level.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

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