Saturday, July 26, 2008


Inspirational Power Quote


“Ability is what you’re capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.”
Lou Holtz, former football coach

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When you combine your abilities with motivation, and a positive attitude, you become an unstoppable force.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Solar Power to Reduce Florida's Energy Costs

Florida Power and Light announces they will operate two solar power plants.

SunPower a California based energy company has been selected by Florida Power and Light to build Florida’s first two solar power facilities.

The first solar power facility will be built in DeSoto County and the second facility will be built at the Kennedy Space Center.

The power plant in DeSoto County is projected to be completed in 2009 and the Kennedy Space Center in 2010.

SunPower stated that the new solar power facility in DeSoto will use the latest technology. The DeSoto facility will incorporate SunPower’s Tracker System where the solar panels tilt and follow the sun as it moves through the sky.

SunPower Vice President Julie Blunden states that the solar power facility will be cost competitive with gas powered facilities and that the renewable fuel source will make a more attractive alternative than fossil fuel.

Florida Power and Light announced that they will invest about $680 million in the solar projects.

Source of the information www.MiamiHerald.Com, July 11, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

The Secret to Thriving in Any Type of Market Conditions

Education Opportunity

The Secret to Thriving in Any Type of Market Conditions

Preparing your Mind for Success
Re-think the traditional methods that are currently being applied and are no longer working or effective. Understand how to develop a solid foundation for creating buyer’s urgency in any type of market no matter what conditions exist. Step outside the box of buyer’s urgency and apply new creative strategies and techniques to increase our effectiveness with your business and income.

Intstructor Lou Ludwig

Date July 22, 2008
Time 9:00 am to 12 noon
For additional information contact

Cape Coral Association of REALTORS®
918 S.E. 46th Lane * Cape Coral, FL. 33904
Office: 239.542-6209 * Fax: 239.542-5903
General e-mail:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Have You Checked Your Gas Mileage?

Due to the amount of driving that I do, and to comply with IRS, I maintain an auto log.

Over the last several weeks it seemed I was using more gas than usual. I went back into the log and calculated the average gas mileage on the two autos that I drive.

When I made the comparison I was shocked to see that my gas mileage was off on both autos by about twenty percent, that’s a huge drop off.

What I determined was that the gas mileage drop off occurred the same time ethanol was added to the gas.

In Florida ethanol comprises up to ten percent of the fuel mix.

Is it just me, or could it be the ethanol fuel produced from corn is not cost effective?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Foreclosures Drop in June 2008

We continually hear all the bad news regarding foreclosures here’s some good news that you won’t read in print.

Realty Trac, a leader in tracking foreclosures, reported that foreclosure filing nationwide dropped by 3.4% in June 2008 compared to May 2008.

Arizona, California, and Nevada are leading the country in foreclosure filing.

Nevada has the highest rate of foreclosure filings with 1 home in every 122 or .0082% in foreclosure, which represents a decline in foreclosures of 3.3%. California foreclosure filings have dropped by 4.5%. Arizona’s foreclosures remained about the same from May 2008 to June 2008 with about 1 home in 201 or .005% in foreclosure.

What the foreclosure filing information does not tell us are the number of homes that had a foreclosure filing but were redeemed through either a sale or the owners bringing the mortgages current.

In 2007, the press reported that 2007 was the super bowl of foreclosures. What the press did not report was that one-third of the homes that entered foreclosure were redeemed.

For up to date information go to www.RealtyTrac.Com

Monday, July 14, 2008

Education Opportunity Southeast Builders Conference Orlando Florida

Education Opportunity and Networking

Meet the Top Sales Experts at SEBC

Looking for ways to boost your new home sales? The 30th annual Southeast Building Conference is the place for you.
On Thursday and Friday (July 31-August 1), some of the nation’s top sales and marketing pros will be available to you, free of charge.

Here is the schedule of Meet the Experts sessions, all of which will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando: Thursday, July 31, 2008


Working with Agents to Make Sales, Rick Bavec, Tolaris Homes, Sanford FL, and Internet 101, Melissa Stockstill, WCN Interactive, Viera, FL;


Sales Management in a Changing Market, Lou Ludwig, MCSP, Ludwig & Associates, Boca Raton, FL, and Working Effectively with E-Leads, Ralph Hudson, American Builders Network, Winter Park, FL;

2pm-3:15pm Becoming a Top Marketer, David Hoke, MIRM, BLF Marketing, Nashville, TN, 100 Percent Financing Programs, Jason Kotar, Kotar & Associates, Fort Lauderdale, FL; Friday,

August 1: 9 am-10:15 am

Creating Buyer’s Urgency, Lou Ludwig, MCSP, Ludwig & Associates, Boca Raton, FL, Alternative Advertising Strategies, Deborah Fisher, CMP, Fisher & Company, P.A., Jacksonville, FL;


Unlocking Internet Marketing Secrets, Melissa Stockstill, WCN Interactive, Viera, FL, Collecting Dividends from Your Brand, David Hoke, MIRM, BLF Marketing, Nashville, TN;


Appraisals - The New "X " Factor, Barry Kotar, Kotar & Associates, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, The Internet in a Challenging Market, Ralph Hudson, American Builders Network, Inc., Winter Park, FL;


Maintaining Contact with Customers, Steve Hoffacker, MIRM, Hoffacker Associates, West Palm Beach, FL, Offering a Product That Will Sell, Rick Bavec, Tolaris Homes, Sanford, FL.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Effective Negotiations Education Opportunity

Excellent education opportunity Sponsored The Woman Coucil Of Realtors

Opportunity to learn and network

JULY 24thTime: 10:00 AM to 6:00
PMRitz-Carlton (map)100 South Ocean Blvd, Manalapan, FL 33462

Performance Management NetworkDesignation Course:EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATIONS

(7 hours CE Credits available)click here for Info$99.00Register Online printable registration

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Inspirational Power Quote


“Procrastination is the natural assassin of opportunity.”
Victor Kiam

As I see it. . . . . . . . .

Procrastination will keep us up at night, it will put us on a defensive position with people, and it will make us look unprofessional and derail our success journey.


Procrastination is a habit and a personal choice. It’s our choice. Decide today, change the habit of procrastination.

Write down what you have to do daily, commit yourself to accomplish the most challenging things on your list first. As you complete each task on your list check it off, what you’re doing is creating a list of small achievements.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Can't Do That

In a recent conversation with a new home sales professional we were discussing the steps that would be required for him to succeed under the current market conditions.

He is currently working in a stalled community that requires addressing the challenges and solutions that are necessary to revitalize the community sales efforts.

What happened next in the conversation shocked me to the core!

His response regarding a plan of action was, “I can’t do that.”

I paused for a moment and I replied that I agreed with him. By the look on his face he looked relieved.

I replied that I believed he was right because he said, he could not do it. Now he looked shocked.

I explained to him that his response was coming from his personal belief system and those beliefs would control his attitude and the actions he would undertake in any situation. Next I explained to him that his personal belief system is a product of his thinking.

We spoke about how people become what they continually think about. As we continued the conversation he paused for a moment and said that the conversation was an eye opener for him. What he shared with me was that he was letting the market control him and his thinking, which he said had become negative and unproductive, and it was overflowing into his personal life. He also said that he had to return to positive thinking.

Some time has passed since that conversation and I’ve seen a remarkable change in his business and personality. He shared with me that he has become more productive and positive in every aspect of his life.

I have noticed that he has become a proactive thinker and has made a major contribution in turning his community around.

It comes down to our personal belief system. If we believe we can do it, we can and will. If we believe we can’t do, we won’t. With either way you are correct in what you think.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to Build A Referral Based Business

RAPB Bulletin - July 7, 2008

Education Opportunity

Instructed by 2007 RAPB Realtor® of the Year
Lou Ludwig

July 24, 2008
RAPB Lake Worth
Conference Center
1926 10th Avenue North,
Suite 410
Only $25!
Click here to view the flyer and register online.

Real Estate Mastery:
Building a Referral Based Business

Sphere of influence, past business relationships, previous contacts, and referrals now account for nearly 70% of all real estate transactions nationally.

Learn how successful real estate sales professionals develop and maintain their Referral Network.

Learn Key Strategies to developing your Referral Based Business and to Position yourself as the Realtor® of choice.

Whether you have been a Realtor® for years or you are new to the business, you WILL learn new techniques to INCREASE YOUR INCOME!

For questions please contact
Ytonna Finnegan at
561-585-4544 or

Monday, July 7, 2008

Does Your Listing Have Curb Appeal and Why It’s Important?

The buying habits of our customers have changed.

Today customers are starting their home search process between six months and one year before they contact a real estate or new home professional. During this time they are doing their research and searching the internet for potential properties that may fit their needs. They are driving the neighborhoods to evaluate property, walking through builder’s construction, and are attending open houses as mystery guests by not revealing their names.

The buyers are in the process of eliminating properties from their search.

Customers today will eliminate properties based on the first impression of the unescorted neighborhood drive through and it will be done without ever speaking to a real estate professional.

8 fundamentals of making the customers first experience a positive experience of inclusion.

● The front exterior looks fresh and has been recently painted

● All stains removed from the driveway and sidewalks

● Front door is freshly painted and clean

● Lawn is well maintained

● Driveway, lawn, and sidewalks toy and bike free

● Landscaping beds weed free, with colorful plants and flowers

● Flower beds mulched

● Window treatments create a positive visual

Attractive curb appeal can create a positive first impression impact for the customer and motivate the customer to contact you for an appointment to see the property.

Make the curb appeal a show stopper.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Inspirational Power Quote


“We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.”

Anais Nin, French born U.S. author

Is the person we see in ourselves the person we went to be?

Visualize yourself as you went to be, see yourself enjoying the success that you were meant to have.

When you do you will see things differently

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Realtors Association of the Palm Beaches Annual Meeting

RAPB Bulletin - July 1, 2008

Annual Membership Meeting
July 17, 2008
8:30am – 11:30am

Hilton Palm Beach Airport
150 Australian Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33406
$15.00 advance purchase $25.00 at the door
Program Includes:
• State of the Association
• Election of RAPB's 2008/09 Officers and Directors
• FAR Essay Contest Presentation

Guest Speakers

FBI Investigation Update into Real Estate and Mortgage Fraud presented by FBI Agent Bill Stern

Nikki Ubaldini, CRS, CRP
Top Producer and Trainer
"Get Your Head Back In The Game"

Two LUCKY Guaranteed Winners Business Card Drawing
Each Winner will receive One Ticket to RAPB's Recognition Luncheon -
September 16, 2008 and Two tickets to this year's Installation Banquet
"One inSAIN Affair"- The Marriott Delray Beachy

Click Here Before July 12, 2008 to Make Your Reservations