Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Good Plan is a Road Map

A Good Plan is a Road Map
“A good plan is like a road map. It shows the final
destination and usually the best way to get there.”
H. Stanley Judd, Writer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A good plan is a road map

A good plan will give us a direction for your life . . . . and clarify your purpose.

Having a plan will take you through the twists and turns that you encounter on your success journey . . . . with greater efficiency. A good plan will show you a starting point . . . . and course to follow to reach your destination on your success journey.

Your plan will not only shows you the course to follow to achieve your goals,  it also will show you an alternate route to adjust to when you reach an impasse and have to adjust.  

At times adjusting your course will take you pass an obstacle and create a clearer path to achieving your goals.

A good plan is a road map; it will show the most direct route to achieve your goals. It will also show you how to adjust your success journey when it’s required to remain focused on the big picture and to achieve your desired outcome.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Your Strength is in Your Determination is Within You

Your Strength is in Your Determination is Within You
“The difference between a successful person and others
is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge,
but rather a lack of determination.”
Vince Lombardi 1913 - 1980, Football Coach

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your strength is in your determination is within you

Successful people have it . . . . and use their determination to reach greater heights. What they have is the power of determination.

Successful people have the strength of purpose. They have an air of confidence in their actions. They have a clear vision for their future and for what they want to accomplish and the determination to successfully achieve their goals and objectives.

Your strength is your determination. When you have the determined to succeed . . . . are committed to achieve your desired outcome . . . . and you are willing to pay the price to succeed you release the power of determination.

Your determination will lift you on your bad days . . . .  it there to draw on when they are facing obstacles . . . . and it’s there when you have to get yourself back on track after a setback.

Determination becomes a powerful force in your life it makes the difference if you will continue to try . . . . and to push forward. Or if you decide to take the exit ramp off of your success journey.

Successful people have the power of determination and they know where they’re going, how they will get there and have the determination to stay on track and to succeed.

Your strength is your determination is within you . . . . release the force.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

There’s Satisfaction in Achievement

There’s Satisfaction in Achievement
“Happiness does not come from doing easy work but
from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the
achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.”
Theodore Rubin, Author, Psychiatrist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

There’s satisfaction in achievement

The greater the challenge the greater the feeling of satisfaction becomes when you tackle a difficult task . . . . and turn that difficulty into a job well done and a success.

You will find some of your tasks far more difficult then others. As you take on a difficult task you will find some of them push back . . . . and will knock you down. In those moments you have to have the courage to pick yourself up . . . . dust yourself off and continue push through the difficulty. Breakthrough the barrier of your of your difficulty to continue your forward progress in the direction of your objectives and goals.

There is great satisfaction in working hard to achieve successful results and overcoming a difficult task.

The satisfaction comes from the fruits of your labor and in knowing that you have successfully climbed a mountain of difficult tasks. It’s in looking back at your success journey and seeing that you overcame your challenges.

Doing your best creates internal satisfaction knowing that you gave your best in a difficult task to achieve your goal.

There’s satisfaction in achievement . . . . you  earned it by pushing a little harder, working a little longer and by picking yourself up after a setback.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, October 28, 2013

A Go Getter Gets It Done

A Go Getter Gets It Done
Men who are resolved to find a way for themselves will always
find opportunities enough; and if they do not find them,
they will make them.”
Samuel Smiles 1812 -1904, Scottish author    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A go getter get it done

A go getter creates there own path in life . . . . they prefer to blaze their own trails rather than to follow in someone else’s footprint. They don’t wait for opportunity to find them. They are constantly looking for opportunities . . . . and if they don’t find them they will create their own opportunities.

When others are sitting around talking about what they’re going to do.  A go getter is no were be found, they are out taking care of business . . . . and getting things done.

A go getter is a person of few words . . . . and instead of talking about what they’re going to do, they lets their actions speak for them. Their actions speak volumes for who the person is and what they’re accomplishing.

In time a go getter separates them self from the pack and stands outs in their profession and will be seem a person of influence.

A go getter gets it done . . . . You won’t find them looking back with regret, they will be looking to the future with positive anticipation.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Seeking the Solutions

Seeking the Solutions
“Courage means to keep working a relationship,
to continue seeking solutions to difficult
problems, and focus during stressful periods.”
Denis Waitley, inspirational author and speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Seeking the solutions

When you’re facing challenges and difficult problems that seem to be overwhelming . . . . have the courage remain composed.  Focusing on seeking the solutions becomes imperative to overcome the problems.

Difficult problems won’t solve themselves . . . . by themselves.

Don’t allow a problem to become overwhelming. Taking control of the problem is looking pass the problem and seeking out the best possible solution to the problem. Apply the solutions to the problem . . . . until the problem is successfully resolved.

When you stay in control of challenging situations and difficult problems you reduce your stress . . . . and stay in control of your emotions. As a result you will make far better decisions in finding the solutions.

Seeking the solutions . . . . to difficult problem takes a consistent effort . . . . and in seeking out the solutions to difficult problems.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your Inner Strength Makes All the Difference

Your Inner Strength Makes All the Difference
Trials, temptations disappointments - -all those are helps
instead of hindrances, if one uses than rightly. They not
only test the fiber of a character, but strengthen it.
Every conquered temptation represents a new fund of
moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered
in the right spirit makes a soul nobler
and stronger than it was before.”
James Buckham, author
As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your inner strength makes all the difference

You will all face your share of trials and tribulations in your life time some far greater then others.

In the moments of your greatest challenges you will need to call on all of your inner strength to successfully weather the conditions that you find yourself in.

As you take control of the conditions in your life . . . . you take the personal responsibility to successfully resolve the conditions.

Trials and tribulations are part of life, how you handle the conditions is a personal choice . . . . Your inner strength makes all the difference in the outcome and in the way you life your life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, October 25, 2013

You Can When You Believe Y Can

Maybe business in the country will get better tomorrow . . . . and maybe it won’t.

Maybe a big sale will happen . . . . and maybe it won’t.

Maybe you’ll win the lottery . . . . and maybe you won’t.

Maybe gas prices will go down . . . . and maybe they won’t.

There are many maybe in your life that . . . . you can’t control.

You have to get off of maybe isle . . . . and get on the pathway to yes I can make it happen.

There are many things in your lives that you can’t control . . . . do the best you can in those situations. Focus your energy and your efforts on the things that your can control that will move you closer to your goals and greater success.

Drop your maybe . . . . like a bad habit.

Push away from the maybe and focus on the possibilities and the opportunities . . . . and as you do maybe isles will become a distant memory.

You will turn your maybe into the belief of you can when you believe you can. Believe in yourself and in your abilities . . . . and you can and you will.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, October 24, 2013

You Learn by Trying

You Learn by Trying
We learn to walk by stumbling.”
Bulgarian Proverb  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You learn by trying

All of life is a series of lessons . . . .

You learn to walk by stumbling . . . . and you learn to regain your balance after you stumble.

You learn to run by walking, and you learn that you can get someplace faster by running then by walking.

You learn to get up after we fall . . . . and you learn that many people have fallen before you and have learned to get up and try again.

Life is a series of lessons, some easy to grasp . . . . and others can be very painful. As you learn that lessons you create the wisdom to move forward with new and beneficial knowledge.

Many of the lessons that you learn come from stretching yourself outside of your comfort zone and reaching for the brass ring of success.

If you are willing to look at the lessons as a learning experience, you will grow as a person and expand your horizons to achieve greater success.

Life is a series of lessons . . . . and one of the most important lessons you will is . . . . You Learn by Trying. With an open mind and a positive attitude you will find a way to take those lessons and use them as fuel for your  success journey.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Intense Desire Will Lift a Person to Great Heights

Intense Desire Will Lift a Person to Great Heights
“It sometime seems that intense desire creates not only it’s
 own opportunities, But it’s our talents.”
Eric Hoffer 1902 - 1983, American writer   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Intense desire will lift a person to great heights

There is a powerful driving force within a person that will cause them to take a leap of faith . . . . and to knock down doors to achieve their goals.  They will travel an unknown path to get closer to their goals . . . . and they’re willing stretch themselves out of their comfort zone.

People around them will tell them that something can’t be done.  The person with intense desire will push forward to find a way to successful get it done while the people who told that they couldn’t be done is watching them get it done.

The person has intense desire is passionate to follow their dream.

Their intensity burns in their heart and their actions which they do with a purpose. They will push harder . . . . and long to achieve their desired outcome and achieve their goals.

Intense desire creates a concentrated force in a person’s quest for success. Their intense desire creates a keen sense of awareness, . . . . that will open the doors to opportunities that other don’t see.

When they open the doors of opportunity they have the courage to boldly step through it . . . . and take advantage of the opportunity.

The person with intense desire becomes an opportunity magnet and in time their opportunities multiply and their success accelerates.

A person with intense desire will out perform a person with superior talent and with in their intense desire they will create a cutting edge business advantage. Fire up the intense desire that’s within you and you will create the success to place you into the winner’s circle of life.

Intense desire will lift a person to great heights . . . .

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Rule of a Successful Business Relationship

A Rule of a Successful Business Relationship
“Here is a simple but powerful rule . . . always give
people more than they expect to get.”
Nelson Boswell, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A rule of a successful business relationship

Customers are not all the same they are unique as individuals . . . . they have specific needs . . . . expectations and motivations.  

As a professional you have to understand your customers . . . . to successfully service their needs.

Each customer coming into a business relationship with a set of predetermined expectations.  They set the bar for what would be an acceptable business relationship for them.

The customer determines what they expect from a business professional . . . . and what a successful business relationship will look like. The customer also sets the bar for what they expect in business service.

To successfully navigate a successful business process you have to exceed the customer’s expectations.

The first order of a successful business relationship is you have to know what the customer’s expectations are for the business relationship.

Once you know what your customer’s expectations are . . . . you have to move forward to exceed those expectations.

Failing to meet the customer’s expectation will lead to an unsuccessful business relationship resulting in no continued business relationship or referrals. Everyone loses in this type of relationship.

When you meet your customer’s expectation you become average in their eyes because . . . . they expect you to meet their expectations. There is a weak business relationship . . . . and future business and referrals become iffy at best.

It’s not until we exceed your customers expectations do you earn the right to potential business opportunities and referrals.

Went you exceed expectations you create a loyal customer . . . .  and in this relationship everyone comes out a winner.

A rule of a successful business relationship . . . . is to exceed the customer’s expectation and turn the experience into a WOW experience.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, October 21, 2013

How to Predict Your Future

How to Predict Your Future
“The best way to predict the future
is to invent it..”
Alan Kay, computer scientist   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

How to predict your future
If you want to know what your future has in store for you . . . . Create your future in your mind and turn those thoughts into a vision of what you life will be.
Your thoughts have enormous power . . . . to influence what direction that your life will take.
The person that creates a vision of their future, one where they can see themselves as being  successful and leading full productive life.  Will find them self gravitating in the direction of their vision.
If a person is willing to apply themselves and work hard at achieving their vision will find themselves moving in the direction of their goals of fulfilling their vision.
A person will become . . . . the person in their thoughts.
How to predict your future . . . . is to create your future in your thoughts and dedicate yourselves to become that person. And in time will be the person in your thoughts . . . . and you would have predicted your future through your thoughts.
©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Keep Your Mind Fresh and Open

Keep Your Mind Fresh and Open
Whatever you choose to believe, will be the concept that
runs your mind.”
Dr. Joe Vitale, Author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Keep your mind fresh and open

If you believe something with conviction it will become your dominant thought . . . . and you will act out your believes in accordance with your dominant thoughts.

What you believe become your perception . . . . and that perception becomes a reality in your thinking.

Your beliefs will control your thinking . . . . your attitudes . . . . and will perpetuate itself in your actions.

A belief can pave the path of your success journey . . . . or become a limiting belief that can bring your success journey to a complete stop.

Keep your mind fresh and open.

Focus your thoughts on achieving your goals and maintain the positive beliefs in yourself and in your purpose.

Remove the clutter of self-limiting beliefs . . . . and fill you mind with possibility thinking. Believe that you can and you will.

What you believe in will become a self fulfilling prophecy in your future. Our future is in what we believe to be . . . . and then is acted daily in our lives. 

Keep your mind fresh and open . . . . you will think great thoughts.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Turn Your Circumstances Into Opportunity

Turn Your Circumstances Into Opportunity
“Make the most out of the best and the least of the worst.”
 Robert Louis Stevenson 1850 - 1894, Scottish Writer and Poet

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Turn your circumstances into opportunity

Every circumstance that we face will have the possibility of opportunity . . . . and its shares of challenges.

We will be faced with many circumstances in our life time some that will appear to be overwhelming while others are just routine. Making the best of the circumstances that we face will become your choice and those choices will impact our future.

When you are faced with a bad circumstance use it as a learning experience. Make the best decision that you can make under the circumstances . . . . and find the best solution to the circumstance. Take positive action to do the best you can. Make the commitment to yourself not to repeat or to get into those circumstances again in the future.

Make the most of your circumstances by using them as solid building blocks for your future. Use your circumstances as stepping stone to achieving your goals, objections . . . . and in achieving greater success.

See every circumstance that’s presented to you as an opportunity. Look at your circumstances as an opportunity to make the choice to turn the circumstances into the fuel for your success journey.

Make the best out of your circumstances . . . . and will turn your circumstances into opportunity.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author





Friday, October 18, 2013

A Life Lived With Integrity

A Life Lived With Integrity
“A life lived with integrity-even if it lacks the trappings of
fame and fortune is a shining star in whose light
others may follow in the years to come.”
Denis Waitley, Self-Help Author and Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A life lived with integrity

Integrity is the foundation for who a person becomes.

You can’t buy integrity it’s earned as a result of the way you carry yourself throughout your life and in your actions.

Having integrity won’t guarantee your success . . . . But without integrity there will be no lasting success.

Ones integrity will set the person apart from the crowd.  A person with integrity will stand above the crowed masses and standout. They will be seen as a person that can be counted on . . . . and someone that will deliver on their promises.

A life lived with integrity and you’ll live a life of honor and one that you can look back on with pride. Integrity is not a shortcut to success . . . . but one of continued growth and achievement.

A life lived with integrity . . . . is to live a life of the best is yet to come.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Leave Your Past Behind You and Don’t Look Back

Leave Your Past Behind You and Don’t Look Back
          “Living in the past is dull and lonely business; looking back
strains the neck muscles, causes you to bump into
people not going your way.”
Edna Ferber 1885 - 1968, America Novelist,
Short Story Writer, Playwright

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Leave your past behind you and don’t look back

Living in the past and looking back will cloud your thinking . . . . and disrupts the quality of your actions.

When you’re living in the past your life is moving in the wrong direction. Focusing on the past is focus on history . . . . not on the here and now and the future. By focusing on the past you have taken our eyes off our goals and our success journey is likely to get off track.

Living in the past becomes a massive waste of your time and you will find yourself becoming unproductive . . . . and moving farther away from your goals.

Focus your eyes on the horizon . . . . and look to the future.

Leave your past behind you and don’t look back . . . . look to your future. Determine your goals . . . . set the course to achieve the goals . . . . and take massive action to ensure that your reach them. Don’t look back . . . . fix your eyes on your future and your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer, and Author

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Think It . . . . Believe It . . . . and Then Just Do It

Think It . . . .  Believe It . . . . and Then Just Do It
“The thing always happens that you really believe in;
and the belief in a thing makes it happen.”
 Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect (1869-1959)

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Think it . . . .  believe it . . . . and then just do it

What you think about most often becomes ingrained in your thought patterns . . . . and in time your thought patterns becomes your reality.

Your thoughts will become the foundation for your life and what you believe in . . . . you will act out and do. When you believe in something with a passion you become the person in your thoughts.  

When you have a deep belief in something, that belief becomes ingrained in your mind. It creates a vision of what you believe and the outcome as you want it to be. The more you think about what you want in a positive fashion and take action on your thoughts . . . . the likelihood of that event occurring increases.  

Things happen to you as the result of what you really believe in . . . . and that belief is a result of your vision.

Your thoughts become a self-fulfilling prophecy and you become the person in your thoughts.   

Your beliefs are the catalyst to making things happen in your life.

Think it . . . . believe it . . . . and then just do it.

©2013 Motivational Power Quote, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don’t Wait Grasp the Moment

Don’t Wait Grasp the Moment
Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot
by striking it.”
William B. Sprague 1795 – 1876, A Congregational
and Presbyterian Clergyman   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Don’t Wait grasp the moment

The best time to grasp the moment . . . . and  take action is now.

Some people will wait for just the right moment to act . . . .  As they wait, the moments of their life passes them by. While others will act to grasp the moments in their lives as they are . . . . and make the most of each of their moments.

Your moments past this way just one time . . . . and as those moments past they will never return to you.

Be appreciative of the moments in your life . . . . and make your moments count. Your moments have the capacity to create a happy and fulfilling days . . . . and can compound themselves into a productive lifetime.

Waiting for just the right moment to start your success journey is waiting for a moment that may never come. The best time to start your success journey is now. Make the most of your talent and resources that you currently have . . . . and step into forward and into your future.

As you travel the path of your success journey you will have the opportunity to increase your talents and expand your resources. But if you decide to wait you will see the opportunities fade away.

Make the most of today . . . . and don't wait until tomorrow.

Don’t wait grasp what the moment offers you. Your future will become a reflection of what you make of today . . . . and the opportunities that you play forward. Each day offers unique opportunities. Make the most of your opportunities as this day and the opportunities will never pass this way again.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, October 14, 2013

Self Pity is Trap and Your Worst Enemy
“Self pity is our worst enemy, and if we yield to it,
we can never do anything good in the world.”
 Helen Keller 1880 -1968, American Author. Political
Activist, Lecturer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Self pity is trap and your worst enemy

Self pity becomes a trap of the mind that poisons your attitude . . . . and moves us into the dark world of negative thinking . . . . Negative actions . . . .  and negative results.

If you yield to self pity you become involved in an endless downward spiral. This spiral can throw your lives into a tailspin where things get out of control . . . . and makes it seem as if there is no way out.  

When you become involved in challenging situations never yield to self pity, focus forward and move on.

We have to resist self pity with all of our strength we maintain positive thinking about the condition and stay focused on solutions, not self pity.

Self pity is a trap and your worst enemy . . . . Positive thinking and focused efforts are your friends.  

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author




Sunday, October 13, 2013

Focus on Reaching a Distance Shore

 Focus on Reaching a Distance Shore
“To see far is one thing; going there is another.”
Constantin Brancusi, Romanian-Born Sculptor    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Focus on reaching a distance shore

Many have dreamed of a great adventure . . . . and traveling to a distance shore. But very few have the courage take the steps to get them there.

A dream is a great ambition and a vision to be achieved. For many people their dream burns in their heart but they allow the flame to flicker and burn out not realizing that their dream is within their reach. 

To fulfill your dreams you have to set your course and remain focused on the distance shore. On your journey there will be obstacles to overcome and setbacks to where you may have to reset your course.  In challenging time always be focused on the distance shore as the destination.

You have to have the fortitude to pick yourself up after you’re knocked down and to get back on course when the winds of life blow you off course.

The distance shore is there for you to reach when you remain committed to your success journey . . . . and are willing to be persistent in your efforts.

You are the captain of your life . . . . and we set the course that your life will take. Set the heading for a distance shore . . . . Commit yourself to keep your success journey on course and you will find that as a result of your commitment and actions the distance shore becomes with in your reach.  

Focus on the distance shore . . . . and commit yourself to a successful journey.` 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Friday, October 11, 2013

When You Reach a Fork In The Road
“If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get nowhere.”
 Henry Kissinger, 56th Secretary of State and 1973 Nobel Peace Prize

As I see it. . . . . . . .

When you reach a fork in the road

One can take you on a well lighted road in the direction of your success and the other is a road leading . . . . to nowhere.

When you reach the fork in the road; you will have to make a choice to which road that you will take.

Unless you know where you’re going . . . . you won’t know what road will take you to your destination.

Where you have no direction in your life it becomes impossible to set your personal GPS, because you don’t know where you are going. You can’t use a map because you have no idea where you are or what your destination is.

Without a clear direction for your life you will wander without a purpose . . . . with no end in sight. You would truly become lost . . . . because you have no idea on what road to take.

When you know where you are going and when you reach a fork in the road . . . . you know with certainty which road to take and you will  make that choice with confidence. 

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author