Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Bad Attitude is Like a Flat Tire

Motivational Power Quote

A Bad Attitude is Like a Flat Tire
A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don’t change it,
you’ll never go anywhere.”
Author Unknown

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A bad attitude is like a flat tire

Attempting to drive on a flat tire is not only unsafe . . . . it can cause an accident.  Having a bad attitude is unhealthy for your career . . . . and can derail your success journey.

Driving on a flat tire will create a very unstable and bumpy ride. A bad attitude can make a person success journey very unstable . . . . and create a lot of wasted energy . . . .  and effort showing very little results.

If you’re driving in your car and you get a flat tire you have to stop . . . . and change the tire before your able to resume our journey.

With a bad attitude you have choices you can maintain a bad attitude and in time it will completely bring your success journey to a compete standstill.

Or you can elect to momentary pause your success journey and get your hands dirty . . . . and change a bad attitude. No one really likes to get out of their car . . . . and fix a flat tire. But if you want to successfully continue your trip you have to change the tire.

For you to move forward you have to be willing to address your attitude to make sure it’s harmony with your goals . . . . and your attitude in order for it to provide the smoothest success journey possible.

A bad attitude is like a flat tire . . . . both will take you on a bumpy ride and a unpleasant success journey.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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