Monday, October 7, 2013

Have The Backbone to Pursue Your Dreams

Motivational Power Quote

Have The Backbone to Pursue Your Dreams 
The wishbone will never replace the backbone.”
Will Henry, author  
As I see it. . . . . . . .

Have the backbone to pursue your dreams

Fulfilling your dreams takes having a vision of your futures . . . . and the courage and backbone to pursue your vision with a passion to a successful conclusion.

Achieving your dreams will take a leap of faith to step out of your comfort zone . . . . and to start the journey to a fuller and richer life of greater achievement. The journey is not an expressway . . . . your success journey is a road under construction and you will be faced with changing conditions . . . . detours . . . . delays . . . . road block.

The great news is there all . . . . temporary conditions unless you make them permanent.  

The faith that you have in yourself will give you the strength to move pass the obstacles you encounter. You have to keep putting one foot in front of the other to keep moving forward. Your backbone keeps you standing tall and gives you the personal power to continue to try even when things are not going as you have planned.

Your success journey is a journey of endurance . . . . and to steadily  pursue your dreams with a purpose and to make progress in the direction of your goal. 

Have the backbone to pursue your dreams with the passion and purpose.  Your passion will keep you focused on making your dreams come true.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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