Saturday, October 25, 2014

Real Security in Life

Real Security in Life
“The only real security that a man will have in this world
is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”
Henry Ford 1863 - 1942, American Entrepreneur and
Founder of the Ford Motor Company

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Real security in life

Real security in life comes from within. The personal choices that you make . . . . and your commitment to you personal development will lay down a solid foundation for your success journey.

You are the only person that can create a pathway to greater security in your life.

You create that security in your life by preparing in advance for your success journey and having the courage to make mid-course adjustments. It’s also in knowing the course that you want to follow on your success journey.

You will also have to develop . . . . and maintain the skills that will put you on the leading edge of your profession . . . . That edge creates a strategic advantage in your efforts to achieve your desired results.

To say on point you have to take the necessary actions to achieve the desired results on your success journey.

You create your security by developing the necessary skills . . . . and taking the actions to become excellent in your chosen field.

You will need to gain the experience to understand your profession . . . . and know what steps are required to succeed. The experience is support your knowledge in your field . . . . and how to use that knowledge effectively.

When you take your experience and combine it with your knowledge and take massive action . . . . you create the formula for creating security in your life. 

Real security in life is not created in vacuum . . . it’s an on purpose activity. When you combine it with your choices you create your security and your future.

You create real security in life . . . . and will reap the benefits of your experiences and your efforts.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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