Thursday, September 4, 2014

Your Temperament Determines Your Outlook

Your Temperament Determines Your Outlook  
“The greatest part of our happiness depends
on our disposition, not our circumstances.”
Martha Washington 1731 - 1802, Former First Lady  
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your temperament determines your outlook

The attitude in your thinking is revealed in your character . . . . and how you look at the conditions in your lives. When your temperament is negative and unenthusiastic you get on a downhill slide. And you look at the conditions in your life through a negative prism . . . .and you will end up in living in a world of negative thinking and results.

When you see your world through the eyes of a positive disposition . . . . You will see the conditions in your life as a manageable condition of possibilities. You will look at your obstacles not as road block . . . . but more as hurdles to be overcome that are part of a success journey.

A person with a positive temperament is solution focused . . . . and a forward thinker. They will concentrate their desired outcome . . . . and in building forward momentum.

Your temperament determines your outlook . . . . and the way you look at your conditions. The type of energy you bring into your decision making . . . . and into your daily activities comes from your outlook. A positive temperament will keep you on track . . . . and focused on achieving your desired outcome.   

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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