Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blame is Not the Answer

 Blame is Not the Answer
“A man may fall many times but be won’t be a failure
until he says someone pushed him.”
Elmer G. Letterman, Author   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Blame is not the answer

If a person doesn't stumble and fall in life they are not pushing themselves or try hard enough.

At one time or another all trip . . . .  stumble . . . .fall and fail. Each one of them is mile markers along the side of the road . . . .and the tolls you pay on your success journey to get you to your destination.

You would like to think about your success journey as being an expressway with no tolls. In reality your success journey is a toll road. There is a price to be paid to become successful. Each toll that you pay moves you closer to your goals.

Success becomes a result of being resilient . . . . and through your persistence. Not in never having experienced a setback or a failure.

The only real failure in life comes in quitting . . . . and in blaming others for your conditions.

Successful people take the personal responsibility for the conditions that they find themselves in today . . . . and the responsibility to change the conditions to create the desired outcome.

Blaming others for your conditions is a total waste of time and energy. It will not have any positive impact on your success journey and becomes a sentence to average. Taking responsibility is the fuel to change the conditions in your life . . . . and change the results that you have been getting.

The blame game is a losing proposition that no one comes out as a winner. Take control of your life, take responsibility for your future and be willing to pay the tolls to get you the desired outcome.

When you do you will understand the blame is not the answer . . . . blame is the anchor that will sink you and your career.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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