Tuesday, September 9, 2014

When You Look at a Door . . . . What Do You See?

 When You Look at a Door . . . . What Do You See?
“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but
after we look to long at the closed door we do see
 the one which has been open for us.”
Helen Keller 1880 - 1968, American Author,
Political Activist and Lecture

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When you look at a door . . . . What Do You See?

Do you seen that when one door closes a new door will opens?

The door of happiness is there for you to open. You will see it when you look for it . . . . and believe it’s there for you to open. When you see the door of happiness, have the courage to open it . . . . and to step through it.

When one door of happiness closes move on . . . . and look for a new door to open.

Don’t spend your time in the past looking at the door that has closed.

Living in the past serves no positive purpose . . . . and you are looking in the wrong direction. When you’re looking in the wrong direction . . . .  and you’ll miss the opportunities that are there for you today.

Keep you mind and eyes open for the new doors to open . . . . and you’ll find them. When one door closes a new door will open.

When you look at a door . . . . What do you see? As to what you see . . . . will determine what you will do.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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