Friday, September 26, 2014

You Achieve What You Believe

You Achieve What You Believe
“We cannot achieve more in life than what we believe
in our hearts we deserve to have.”
 James R. Ball, Businessman

As I see it. . . . . . . .
You achieve what you believe . . . . you will achieve

Believing in yourself is a choice. To achieve success you have to believe in yourself . . . . in your dreams, . . . . and in your abilities.

Your personal belief system begins with your attitude. A positive can do it attitude creates a positive self-image, positive beliefs and will move you in the direction of positive results. While a negative attitude creates a negative self-image . . . . negative beliefs . . . . and very limited results. Your outcome will be a mirror image of your attitude.

Believe in yourself . . . . and what you can do. Setbacks and obstacles will occur on your success journey. But they are only temporary conditions . . . . unless we decide to quit.  

Believe in what you can do . . . . take advantage of your positive outlook and build a bridge to the future on the foundation of your strengths.

The choice of what you believe you can accomplish . . . . and what you believe is your choice.

You will achieve in life what you believe you can do. Become a possibility thinker . . . . believe you deserve to be successful. Set your goals and then go out and take the actions to achieve them.

You will achieve what you believe . . . . you will achieve. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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