Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Obstacles are Tolls You Pay on Your Success Journey

Motivational Power Quote

Obstacles are Tolls You Pay on Your Success Journey
Look upon every obstacle as part payment towards success.”
Peter Drucker, Management Expert

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Obstacles are tolls you pay on your success journey  

You will encounter many experiences on your success journey some that will move closer to your goals and some that will take in the wrong direction . . . . and further away from your goals. A successful person will look at their experiences as stepping stone into a brighter . . . . and more successful future.

Every experience can be turned in to a learning experience to broaden your prospective . . . . and open your minds to greater opportunities.

Your positive experiences will give you the insight into what methods and strategies have worked the best for you and have contributed to your success. Those experiences will also give you a great starting point to move forward to the next level of your success journey.

There will also be times when you will . . . . face challenges, setbacks and obstacles as you are moving in the direction of our goals.

How you respond to the obstacles that you encounter in your life will have a major impact on the direction that . . . . your success journey takes and with what accuracy you will have in hitting the target and your goals.

Obstacles are those things that can take our eye off your goals and sidetrack our success journey. Look at your obstacles as learning experiences. You will learn what not to do in the future . . . . what you have to learn to do better. And what you will have to adjust to achieve your goals and the desired outcome. You will also learn what people support you and your success journey and what people to avoid.

An obstacle can be looked at as brick wall with no way to scale it or to go around it. Or you can look at an obstacle as a temporary condition and to find the best way to get through it . . . . around it . . . .or over the obstacle.

When you look at obstacle as a learning experience you come to understand that obstacles are tolls that we pay along the way of your success journey to get to the next level of success.

Once you recognize that obstacles are tolls you pay on your success journey you will look at them in an entirely difference light. I believe that with each toll that you paid on your success journey that you learned to become more effective and grow as a person the pursuit of your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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