Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You’re In The Driver Seat of Your Business

Motivational Power Quote

You’re In The Driver Seat of Your Business
If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven
out of business.”
B.C. Forbes, Publisher

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You’re in the driver seat of your business

You are sitting . . . . behind the steering wheel of your success journey. You will make the choices on when you put your foot on the accelerator . . . . and when you’re going to hit the brake. 

You also will make the choices on what direction . . . . your success journey will take. Because you’re the one that sitting in the driver seat of your business and you’re making the choices . . . . that will drive your success journey and your business.

You have a choice: you can . . . . either get into the drivers seat and take control of your success journey and your destiny. Or you can choose to be relegated to the passenger seat of life . . . . and to have your life be controlled by the whims of others.

In the driver seat we determine our course and our destination, as passenger we our course and destination is determined by another person.

If you’re setting in the driver seat the good news is that you’re in control of your destiny.

If you’re setting in the passenger seat make the choice to become . . . . the driver of your life.  The moment that you make that choice you’re sitting in the driver seat of your business and your life. You now have the control of . . . . your success journey and your destination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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