Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Enthusiasm is the Passion to Succeed

Motivational Power Quote

Enthusiasm is the Passion to Succeed
Enthusiasm is a good engine,
but it needs intelligence for a driver.”
Author unknown    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Enthusiasm is the passion to succeed

Your enthusiasm is the gusto that drives you. It will drive you to extend yourself
. . . . to reach for bigger goals and greater success.

It’s the fire in the pit of our stomach . . . . it’s gets you up early in the morning and keeps you moving forward when other people have stopped.

Enthusiasm is the passion for continued incremental improvement. To where you become a little better today, and surpass that level tomorrow . . . . it’s the striving for excellence in your chosen profession.

The thin slice of success is in your enthusiasm. In time that thin slice of success will grow into . . . . a vast span of difference to where people who want to compete with you will have to try to catch up to you.

Enthusiasm will get you started and keep you emotionally on the success track. To maximize the benefits of your enthusiasm you have to use it with a purpose and intelligently.

Use your enthusiasm to keep you . . . . focused on the motivation to achieve your objective and goals. Your enthusiasm will keep your passion for success burning bright and it will show you the way.

Enthusiasm is the passion to succeed . . . .  for making your goals and dreams come true.     

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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