Sunday, December 23, 2012

Three Constants in Life That Makes a Big Difference

Motivational Power Quote

Three Constants in Life That Makes a Big Difference
There are three constants in life . . .
change, choice and principles.”
Stephen R. Covey 1932 - 2012, American Author,
Businessman, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Three constants in life that makes a big difference

In a fast pace world of endless change . . . . you have to continually adjust and adapt to change to stay on the leading edge of innovation to remain competitive.

Change is a constant in life . . . . and you have a choice to adapt and to get out in front of the change . . . . and become an innovator or you can resist change and allow change to control us.

Choose to adapt to change and become an innovator.

Your choices become connected . . . .and will either fuel your success journey to achieve your goals or create roadblocks stopping your forward progress.

Your choices are a critical component of your success. The choices you make today . . . . will multiply and impact your future. The choices that you make today . . . . are the seeds for your future success. What you harvest in the future will be in proportion and an accumulation of those choices.

Focus on making the choices that will drive the engine of your success journey to the desire outcome and put you over the top.

Your choices will determine . . . . your actions and the path that you will follow on your success journey.

Throughout your success journey never lose sight that . . . . your principles are your moral compass. Your principles will give you direction and keep you on the right path. Follow your principles and be seen as a person of principles and values.

Your principles make . . . . you who are and you will judged by your principles.

The three constants in life that makes a big difference . . . .are change, choice and your principles.  When you master the constants in you life, they will make a substantial difference in your success journey and what you achieve.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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