Saturday, December 22, 2012

Don’t Settle for Less Than Doing Your Best

Motivational Power Quote

Don’t Settle for Less Than Doing Your Best
If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best,
you will he amazed at what you can accomplish
in your lives.”
Vince Lombardi 1913 - 1970, football coach  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Don’t settle for less than doing your best

In the pursuit of excellences in your chosen field . . . . don’t settle for anything less than becoming the best at what you do. If you decide to settle for less than doing your best, you compromise your potential.

Doing less than your best creates a downhill slide and pulls you farther away from achieving your goals and fosters negative self-talk and expectations.

Setting high standards and expectations of doing your best is . . . . setting a goal and a target to aim for in our pursuit of excellences.

Successful people expect the best out of themselves and work very hard to ensure the desired results.

Don’t settle for less than doing your best . . . . is making the commitment to be the best person that you can be and making a continued effort to achieve that goal.

That commitment is actualized with the persistent to stay on course to be the best at what you’re doing and not to become sidetracked into settling anything the being the best.

Pursue being the best with passion and stay the course.  Don’t settle for less than doing your best  . . . . and being the best becomes within your reach.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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