Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rule #1 . . . . Stay Composed Under Pressure

Rule #1 . . . . Stay Composed Under Pressure
“Pressure makes diamonds.”
General George Patton 1885 – 1945, U.S. Army General

As I see it . . . . . . .
Rule #1 . . . . Stay composed under pressure 

You are very much like a diamond . . . . and your true self will be molded under the pressures that you experience in your life.

At one time or another you will come under some form of pressure something in your life some being very intense while other will just pass by you and will soon be forgotten.

Your life will be formed . . . .under intense pressure.

How you handle the intense pressures in your life . . . . and how you work your way through those intense pressures  will determine who you become . . . . and how high we soar.

Staying composed in any situation creates a strategic advantage in your personal life . . . . and in your business endeavors.

Rule #1 . . . . Stay composed under pressure . . . . and you will remain in control of your emotions and the conditions you encounter, You will also be able to make far better decisions in controlling the outcome.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Training and Author 

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