Sunday, July 13, 2014

As Rain Drops Erodes Solid Rock

As Rain Drops Erodes Solid Rock
“The drops of rain make a hole in the stone
not by violence, but by oft falling.”
Lucretius 99 BC – 55 AD, Roman Poet and Philosopher    
As I see it. . . . . . . .
As rain drops erodes solid rock

Drops of rain are like the moments in our life.

As your moments in your life pass; you don’t think much about them or how we use them. Why? Because there will be many more of them for you to experience.

As a drop of rain falls . . . . they become lost with along with the many other drops of rain that fall with it.

When your moments in your life are combined in positive undertakings the moments accumulate . . . . and returns value to you. The more productive you make your moments the higher rate of return those moments return to you.

When a drop of rain falls . . . . and is combined with many more they can erode the face of a mountain . . . .  cut a hole in stone. Rain drops can accumulate to create a stream that becomes the head of a mighty river.

There is power . . . . in a rain drop  and in a moment in your life.

In your moments you build the skills to change your life . . . .  to become a leader in your profession . . . . and to accomplish great things.

Success is not produced in a vacuum . . . .  it created in the moments of your life that you direct towards your goals, in productive activities . . . . and in planning your future.    

The moments in your life are important . . . . Anyone of them can be the moment that you change the direction of your future and that creates greater levels of success . . . . and where you find personal happiness.

The moments in your life are like drops of rain they may come down hard . . . . or they may fall gently. But when everything is said and done the moments in your lives make you who we are.

May the drops of rain fall gently into your life and may your moments become productive and supply the fuel for a positive success journey.

As rain drops will erode solid rock . . . . they will erode your obstacles.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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