Saturday, April 19, 2014

Creating a Business Model With High Impact

 Creating a Business Model With High Impact
“To create a new business that makes money, and more
significantly, employs others, and gives a product
to a customer that improves their life, is our
 greatest challenge, our greatest opportunity,
and the greatest gift far greater then
any charity that we can give
our follow person.”
Paul Zane Pilzer, American Economist, New York Times
Best Selling Author, Social Entrepreneur

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Creating a business model with high impact

Create a business model that attracts others to business with you . . . .  and significantly affects others with positive impact.

Be seen as a resource and an expert in your chosen field . . . . and you will attract business opportunities.

Provide the services that your customers want at the highest levels possible . . . . and you will create raving fans and a solid foundation for your business.

Look at your challenges as your biggest opportunity . . . . Be a person that seeks and finds solutions’ to your challenges. Be the person others seek out to service their needs . . . . and to solve their problems.

Makes a positive difference in lives of the people you come in contact with . . . . and they will make a difference in your life.

Your business model will take root and grow and prosper though helping others. 

Creating a business model with high impact . . . . is one that will have a positive impact on your audience and returns to you with happy and satisfied customers and referrals.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author




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