Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Choice to Get Better

The Choice to Get Better
“Everyday day, in every way, I am getter better and better.”
Emile Coue 1857 - 1926, French Psychologist, Pharmacist

As I see it . . . . . . .

The choice to get better

When you’re facing difficulties become better . . . . not bitter.

In times of facing difficulties you will have to determine how you’ll going to respond . . . . and resolve those challenges . . . . and the difficulties. You can choose to use the power of your thoughts and attitude to help you through the difficulties . . . . and to become better.

With positive thinking and a positive attitude you will approach your difficulties with a positive . . . . and proactive approach to solve any difficulties that you face. Once you have successfully resolved the difficult situation your self-confidence grows. Resolving the difficulties makes you a stronger person and you will get better at the things you do as a result.

You will use your experiences and what you have accomplished as the foundation to become better at what you do as a result of the difficulties that you have faced and succeed in overcoming.

Use your difficulties to get better . . . . and not to become bitter.

Make the commitment to get a little better each day of your life . . . . and you will create excellence in your life.

The choice to get better . . . . is a choice that only you can make.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



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