Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Full Life Comes in Growing
“Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically
and spiritually we are as good as dead.”
 Monihei Ueshiba, martial artist

As I see it. . . . . . . .

A full life comes in growing

When you’re green . . . . you are growing.

Like the mighty oak tree that starts’s its life cycle as a small acorn. The tree takes root . . . . and throughout its life continues grows.

A mature oak tree can grow to reach 100 feet or more in height. . . .  and it all started with acorn.

Your live in many respects is like an oak tree . . . .

Once you take root there is a need to continue to grow and mature throughout your life to reach your full potential. Your growth involves personal growth . . . . your profession growth  . . . . and your spiritual growth.

As you grow you become a stronger person . . . . You put down deep roots to withstand the storms in your life. The strength of your roots supports your growth . . . . and provides the fuel to move your success journey forward. 

The person that elects not to grow has made a choice. Much like an oak tree without a strong root system . . . . they won’t be able to withstand the storms in their lives.  In time they will wittier and die without ever reaching their full potential or maturity.

A full life comes in growing . . . . Make the choice to be a oak tree and when you’re green you will continue to grow.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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