Thursday, February 11, 2010

Motivational Power Quote

The Art of Seeing The Invisible

“Vision is the art
of seeing things invisible.”
Jonathan Swift, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The Art of seeing the invisible . . . .

Those who can visualize; will see things that others can’t see they will see the invisible.

Look at Apples Computer co-founder Steven Jobs.

He was the driving force and ahead of his time in developing the Apple computer which is considered to be a cutting edge computer in the industry.

He didn’t stop there; next came the i-Pod which remains the beach mark for the industry and who hasn’t heard of the i-Phone.

Steve Jobs looked into the future and where everyone could see a table computer, it had a vision for the i-pad.

Steven Jobs not only visualized the technology long before other could see it. Apple refined their technology and produced it their computers, i-Pod and i-phone, i-pad and the list goes on.
Apple has become a market leader in there respected field and as a result the competition has to continually try to play catch up and me to.

Be a visionary look for the invisible opportunities; find them before others can see them. When you find them maximize your efforts with each and everyone and you will lead your field.

Be like Apple.

®2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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