Tuesday, July 23, 2013

PUSH the Door of Opportunity Open

Motivational Power Quote

 PUSH the Door of Opportunity Open
The sign on the door of opportunity reads PUSH.”
Author Unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

PUSH the door of opportunity open

You will find mentors . . . . and people that will be willing to help you on your success journey. They become invaluable resources to you on your career path . . . . and in your quest to succeed.   But in the long run you will be the only one that can push the door of opportunity open . . . . and step through the door.

When you see the door of opportunity there won’t be a doorman waiting there to open it for you. If you want to open the door you will have to take the initiative . . . . and push the door open and walk through door yourself.

There’s no doorman at the door of opportunity and if you want to open it . . . . you have to PUSH the door of opportunity open yourself.     

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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