Sunday, July 28, 2013

Choose the Right Path

Motivational Power Quote

Choose the Right Path
It is easy to choose a path in life that has been well traveled by
many before you and crowed  by many walking beside you.
There is safety in knowing the obstacles ahead, comfort and
warmth from the companionship of others and certainty in the
destination. Embarking on a journey into unknown territory
steely courage, an adventurous spirit, a deep belief in oneself
and simple hope for a better tomorrow.”
Marcy Blochowiak, CEO World Financial World    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Choose the right path

There will choices on what path to travel in your life time.

There is the path that so many have taken before you . . . . that path is easy to identify become you can see the ruts that have been worn into that path. The more the path is used the deeper the ruts become.

For those who on that path there seems to be a sense of safety in repetition. We will see the same people on that path everyday they become familiar and comfortable with that path . . . . and the path has become a habit.

The same people get on the path everyday and get off it at night only to repeat . . . . the same journey day after day. The journey starts at the same place everyday . . . . and seems to end at the same place every night. If the person were to look back on their journey they would see that they are where they started . . . . and they have not made any meaningful progress.

There is also another path which is much harder to find, there’s no signs that reads the road to success. The path is there but is used by very few people . . . . so it not so easy to indentify. If we’re looking for footprints to follow they may be hard to find so we have to decide to leave our own footprints for others to follow.

If we choose the take this path you will become a trail blazer.

As a trail blazer you will have step out of the rut of your current path . . . . and choose to create your own path to explore new territory and new opportunity.  

You have to have the courage to step out of the safety of your rut . . . . And have the confidences in yourself to step into the unknown and onto the path of personal growth and greater success.  

Staying on your current path you see the same view everyday . . . .  and your results will remain the same and not improve.

Choose the right path for you . . . . The one that will let you grow into the person that you want to be . . . . and to achieve the results that you want to achieve. The path is there for you but you will have to create it

. . . . and make the choice to step onto the path. Choose the step out of the rut and onto the path that will continue move in the directions of your goals.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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