Monday, March 11, 2013

Your Knowledge is a Powerful Force

Motivational Power Quote

Your Knowledge is a Powerful  Force
Knowledge is of no value unless you put
it into practice.”
Anton Chekov, Russian playwright and faction writer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your knowledge powerful force

Knowledge is a valuable resource. How you apply your knowledge will determine the return that you receive for your knowledge . . . . and how it will impact your success and your future.

One of the great things about knowledge you can use the knowledge that you currently have . . . . And you can add addition knowledge. You create value by using your knowledge for production purposes.

If you feel that you don’t have enough knowledge you can always accumulate more. Today there are endless sources where the knowledge can be found and accumulated for the person that seeks it out.

An important factor with knowledge is for it to have value . . . . it has to released and used for a purpose. The more you use your knowledge the more you accumulate.

Knowledge only perishes with lack of use and when it not supplemented with new information.

A person with knowledge at their disposal and can apply their knowledge effectively will turn their knowledge into personal power. Your knowledge only becomes powerful force when you have the courage to fully release it.

Knowledge put to good use becomes a stepping stone to achieving success.

Release the power in your knowledge and it will become a powerful force in your life. When your knowledge is released you will increase the value of your knowledge and the demand for it.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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