Friday, March 1, 2013

Motivational Power Quote

Persuasion the Art of Influence
I like to think of sales as the ability to gracefully
persuade, not to manipulate a person or persons into
a win – win situation.”
Bo Bennett, author  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Persuasion the art of influence

You know that the customers would like to move forward in the sales process . . . . but with their personality type they’ve having a difficult time in making decisions.

What do you do?

Do you help your customer to move forward with gentle persuasion, or do you drop the customer because of their lack of action? Without the customer taking action the sales process come to a dead stop. A customer that can’t make a decision has made the decision . . . . the decision of inaction. 

The sales professional role is to assist the customer in making good decisions and creating a win – win situations for them. Many customers do need the assistants of the sales professional to help them . . . . with the decision making process.

The customer who can’t make a decision creates . . . . a lose – lose situation for themselves.

The art of gentle persuasion is the ability of the sales professional to guild the customer through the sales process and . . . . in many cases guiding the customer through the decision making process.

A sales professional has to have the courage to step up to help their customer.

Gentle persuasion is a soft approach in assisting customers to make decisions and is not pushy or manipulative activity. It’s an act to help the customer to arrive at a win –win conclusion with your help.

When the customer needs your assistants in making a decision . . . .  be there for them and help them. As sales professional guild your customer through the decision making and sales process successfully.

Persuasion is an art of influence . . . . and the art of helping you to help your customer to make a good decision.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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