Sunday, May 9, 2010

Improve Your Knowledge or Lose it

Motivational Power Quote

Improve Your Knowledge or Lose it
“Knowledge has to improved,
challenged and increased
constantly or it vanishes.”
Peter Drucker, management expert

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Improve your knowledge or lose it.

Your knowledge has to be continually improved; or the value of your knowledge will continue to decline until our existing knowledge has no value.

To stay ahead in your field, challenge your knowledge and what you need to know to be successful? Ask yourself what new knowledge will I need to improve my effectiveness and stay ahead of the pack?

Seek the knowledge required for success and commit to continually increase that knowledge.

By adding to our knowledge we add value to our business, and increase our personal worth to our customers.

Successful people are seen as experts in their field and the accumulation of knowledge is the foundation to being seen as an expert.

The accumulation of knowledge properly applied will move you into an elite status and being a person of influence.

©2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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