Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

How Are People Like Sticks of Dynamite?

“Just remember people
are like sticks of dynamite;
the power is in the inside,
but nothing happens
until the fuse gets lit.”
Mac Andersen

As I see it. . . . . . . .
How are people like sticks of dynamite?

The power of dynamite is inside the stick and to unleash the power you have to light the fuse and let nature take its course.

To unleash our person power we have to light our fuse.

We all have the power of dynamite within us; we have to take the steps to light our fuse to unleash our personal power.

What is your passion, what motivates you to succeed, what lights your fuse? Determine what will light your fuse, and then pursue it with a passion.

Light your fuse and watch the flame burn brightly and experience the explosion of your personal power.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author and Author

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