Thursday, December 31, 2009

We First Have to Conquer Ourselves to Achieve Success

Motivational Power Quote

We First Have to Conquer Ourselves to Achieve Success

“It is not the mountain we conquer,
but ourselves.”
Sir Edmund Hillary, first climber to reach
the summit of Mt. Everest

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We first have to conquer ourselves to achieve success.

In conquering ourselves; it requires us to take stock of who we are. Where do we stand today and what direction we want to take our lives?

Develop a clear vision for your life and your future as you want it to be. Take control of your life, your decisions and take personal responsibility for your actions and your outcomes.

Much like climbing a mountain, our life requires a plan with a purpose. Commit to your purpose and be willing to adjust with the changing conditions.

Have the mental toughness to see your journey through to a successful outcome.

Believe in yourself and have the confidence that you will reach the summit.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Optimism Will Show You the Way

Motivational Power Quote

Optimism Will Show You the Way

“Optimism is the faith
that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done
without hope and confidence.”
Helen Keller, American author and lecturer

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Optimism will show you the way.

The optimist and the pessimist will see the same thing, but they will see them in totally different ways.

Optimists will see through the clouds and see the sun. They will not only see challenges but will also recognize opportunities.

The pessimist sees the struggle not the opportunity, they see the path to success as long and difficult and will not stay the course.

The optimist has faith in their decisions and in their actions.

As a result of their faith, the optimist has a strong foundation of confidence in themselves, their actions, and their decisions. The optimist creates a sense of hope and confidence in themselves and in the people around them.

Have the faith in yourself to be an optimistic person. Have the confidence in yourself to open the doors to unlimited achievement.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Embrace Change

Motivational Power Quote

Embrace Change

“We must take change by the hand
or rest assuredly change will take
us by the throat.”
Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Embrace change.

The only constant thing in life is change. There’s seasonal change, the weather, the stock market, our business, the economy, technology and the list goes on in every aspect of our lives. The only constant we have is continued change.

We have a choice to embrace change or to resist change.

We can see change as an opportunity or look at change with apprehension and fear.

The person who embraces change and takes it by the hand takes charge of their lives and their future. They will find the pathway of opportunities to move forward with confidence opening new doors on their success journey.

Resisting change creates a negative environment of thinking, procrastination, and looking at the future with fear and apprehension.

Change can freeze a person in place with fear and paralyze their decision making.

Unless we take charge of change; change will take us by the throat and control us.

Don’t surrender to change, take charge of change. Control the change through your thinking and you control your outcome.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, December 28, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

When You’re Faced with Making a Decision

“You always have two choices:
your commitment
versus your fear.”
Sammy Davis Jr., American entertainer

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When you’re faced with making a decision you have two choices.

Decisions can be faced with fear and uncertainty both of which cause a lack of confidence in the decision making process. As a result, what occurs is procrastination, poor decision making, or no decision being made at all.

When we face a decision with confidence and peace of mind, we’ll make better decisions.

Once the decision is made we commit to following through to make the decision become a reality.

The key to any decision is the commitment to see the decision through to a successful conclusion.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Visualize it and Make it Happen

Motivational Power Quote

Visualize it and Make it Happen

“The entrepreneur is essentially
a visualizer and actualizer.
He can visualize something,
and when he visualizes
it he sees exactly how
to make it happen.”
Robert L. Schwartz

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Visualize it and make it happen.

See it – do it – achieve it.

Successful entrepreneurs are truly risk takers and the last of the free spirits. They will visualize things as an opportunity long before others. They will see the possibilities and are willing to take calculated risks to accomplish their objectives.

Entrepreneurs will create a compelling vision in their mind of the opportunity in terms of exactly how they will go out and accomplish their objectives.

Once they have formed a clear picture of their objectives, they create a strategic plan to accomplish their objectives.

The entrepreneur realizes what steps are required to achieve success and will take them. They will implement their strategic plan to create forward momentum, and continually move in the direction of their objectives.

Entrepreneurs realize that nothing will happen until they make it happen.

Be an entrepreneur, visualize it and make it happen.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Three Steps to Effective Communication

Motivational Power Quote

Three Steps to Effective Communication

“Listen a hundred times;
Ponder a thousand times;
Speak once.”
Turkish Proverb

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Three Steps to effective communication.

We listen to gather information.

We ponder the information to gain wisdom and knowledge.

We speak once with insight and authority.

Effective communication is required in every aspect of our lives and business. Communication skills give us the ability to better understand the feelings of the people in our lives and our customers, and for them to understand us.

Insight will enable us to form stronger, longer lasting relationships and rapport.

As business professionals, our communication skills separate us from our competitors and help us create a business advantage.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Golden Rule of Friendship

Motivational Power Quote

The Golden Rule of Friendship

“The golden rule of friendship
is to listen to others
as you would have
them listen to you.”
David Augsburger

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The golden rule of friendship applies to every aspect of our life.

When you meet someone give them your undivided attention for the first thirty seconds. During your conversation listen to them, give them your full attention, acknowledge what they’re saying and show genuine interest in them.

When you’re listening, make them feel that they are the most important person in the world.

The person that’s a proactive listener earns the reputation of being a brilliant conversationalist who others will seek out for advice and counsel.

Listen to others as we would like them to listen to us.

Actively listening to others is a sign of respect. As we listen to others we build rapport and that rapport builds trust and confidence.

As we listen to others, others will listen to us.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Success Principles

Motivational Power Quote

Success Principles

“It takes time to succeed
because success is merely the
natural reward of taking time to
do anything well.”
Joseph Ross

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Success Principles

Making a commitment of doing everything with exceptional effort is making the commitment to succeed.

By doing everything exceptionally we create forward momentum in our career and the fuel for our success journey.

Doing everything exceptionally well has an accumulation factor. The things that we do well today will build benefits and long-term rewards.

Our reputation will be enhanced as others will see us as someone that can be counted on and trusted.

We will build our personal power and influence.

Take the time to do everything with exceptional effort today, and you will reap the rewards throughout all of your tomorrows.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Results are What Count

Motivational Power Quote

Results are What Count

“Don’t waste time telling people
what you are doing
or what you are going to do.
Results have a way
of informing the world.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Results are what count.

We can tell people what we’re going to do and we can tell them what we’re doing.

What we’re going to do is just talk until we have achieved successful results.

We don’t get paid for what we’re going to do.

The measure of what we have done is through our results.

We will be judged on our results.

Our reputation will be based on our results.

Our compensation is based on results.

Focus on your desired results; achieve the results and the world will see what you have achieved.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Put Principles Above Privileges

Motivational Power Quote

Put Principles Above Privileges

“A people that value
it’s privileges
above it’s principles
soon loses both.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the US

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Put principles above privileges.

The foundation of our principles is in our personal beliefs and our moral code of ethics.

Our principles are what will guide us in our actions, based on our philosophy, thoughts and values.

A privilege is the ability to do or to have, it’s an opportunity that may or may not be permanent.

A person that places their principles above their privileges becomes a person of substance.

The person that places their privileges above their principles will find that their privileges will soon disappear and they will be seen as a person of no principles.

When you let your principles guide you; you will be seen as a person with integrity.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, December 21, 2009

Life is Like a Boomerang

Motivational Power Quote

Life is Like a Boomerang

“Life’s like a boomerang.
The more good you throw out,
the more you receive in return.”
Josh S. Hinds

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Life is like a boomerang.

What we send out and contribute to others will make us the person we become. Others will also see us in proportion to what we send out and contribute.

When we send out good, we see good returned to us.

When we send out positive messages and effort we receive positive results.

When we extend ourselves to help others, we find others are willing to extend themselves to help us.

What we send out is a reflection of who we are. Others will see that reflection and will respond to us in like kind.

Send out a message of service to others, and referrals will return to you.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Move Forward, No Matter What

Motivational Power Quote

Move Forward, No Matter

“Life’s rewards go to those
who let their actions
rise above their excuses.”
Lee J. Colan

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Move forward, no matter what happens, without excuses.

About one year ago Tiger Woods stood victorious at the US Open in Augusta, Georgia and was recognized as the number one men’s professional golfer in the world.

In what may have been one of the greatest US Opens ever played, Tiger Woods won the championship after winning the playoff round on Monday.

If you watched the US Open you could see that Tiger Woods played in pain the entire Open with a knee that would require surgery.

Tiger had the surgery and had to start the long road of therapy to rebuild the strength in his leg and knee. The injury would keep him off the professional golf tour for almost a year.

In his first competition Tiger played well, but not well enough to win. There was some talk that maybe the knee would not hold up and that Tiger may have lost his edge.

Two weeks later, Tiger Woods hit a 15 foot putt to win the Arnold Palmer Classic in Orlando, Florida.

In what is believed to be one of the greatest comebacks, Tiger won the classic after trailing by as many as 5 stokes on the last hole.

What I took away from watching Tiger Woods winning the classic.

He never looked back.

He didn’t make excuses.

He remained focused under pressure.

He believed in himself.

He played with passion and purpose.

He stayed in control of his outcome.

Tiger let his actions speak for him.

Be like Tiger and move forward no matter what.

Now Tiger may be facing the biggest challenge is his life, and his decisions will lay the foundation on what his life will be.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, December 19, 2009

If You Can Look Up, Get Up

Motivational Power Quote

If You Can Look Up, Get Up

“When you are down
on your back,
if you can look up,
you can get up.”
Les Brown, Motivational speaker and author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
If you can look up, get up

When you’re flat on your back; don’t stay down get up.

Being flat on our back is a temporary condition if we’re determined to get up.

Look up; look at the possibilities, look for a better tomorrow.

Make the commitment not to stay down; find a way to get up and to find your way.

When you look up you will see the light, and that light becomes the magnet and the energy for you to get up.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, December 18, 2009

Learn From the Past

Motivational Power Quote

Learn From the Past

“Losers live in the past.
Winners learn from the past
and enjoy working in
the present towards the future.”
Denis Waitley, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Learn from the past and follow your strengths.

Successful people use their past as a learning experience and use it as a foundation for their future. They will build off their strengths and they will make every effort not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Winner’s value the now and work in the present to enhance their future; they understand that actions taken today will impact their future.

Set your internal guidance system today for your success journey.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Integrity is the Secret of Doing What’s Right

Motivational Power Quote

Integrity is the Secret of Doing What’s Right

“If you have integrity,
nothing else matters.
If you don’t have integrity,
nothing else matters.”
Alan Simpson

As I see it. . . . . . .
Integrity is the secret of doing what’s right, because it’s the right thing to do.

Doing the right thing is not always the easiest path to take. In some cases, integrity can have a short term cost, but it will pay dividends in the long run.

Your reputation will follow you. Doing what’s right creates a solid foundation for your life, your business and will plant the seeds for your future success based on your reputation.

Your integrity is that inter voice that guides your thoughts and actions.

Integrity is your moral compass that will maintain your values and keep you focused on doing the right thing during challenging and stressful times.

When there is a choice always conduct your life with integrity and do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Have the Faith to Step into the Unknown

Motivational Power Quote

Have the Faith to Step into the Unknown

“Faith is taking the first step
even when you
don’t see the whole staircase.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Have the faith to step into the unknown.

Have faith in yourself, your abilities and be willing to take the first step into the unknown. Taking the first step requires you to put aside your fears and to rely on your faith.

Your faith is your bedrock and your strength that gives you the courage to step outside of your comfort zone and into the unknown.

There will be fear but you need to be willing to look passed the fear and use the pillars of faith as your strength to move you forward.

Be a person of conviction and have the faith to take the first step into the unknown.

Your faith will be your rock.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Formula for Success

Motivational Power Quote

Formula for Success

“Don’t bother just to be
better than your
contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.”
William Faulkner, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Formula for success

To become a truly effective business professional we have to focus on becoming the best at what we do.

We often look at our contemporaries as our competition and strive to become better than they are which is a step in the success journey, but not the only step.

Unfortunately we’re not able to control our contemporaries, their level of expertise, or their business.

The great news is that we can control our level of expertise, our business and our success.

To reach our full potential the key is continuous personal improvement and to concentrate on our priorities to achieve our desired outcomes.

Recognize that we have to get better than the competition but what is critical is for us to continuously become better at what we do.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, December 14, 2009

Exceeding Your Customer’s Expectations

Motivational Power Quote

Exceeding Your Customer’s Expectations

“The only certain means of success
is to render more and better service
than is expected of you,
no matter what your task may be.”
Og Mandino, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Exceeding your customer’s expectations

The level of service that you provide to your customers will determine the level of success you will achieve.

Going above and beyond your customer’s expectations will help you stand above the crowd. It will also assist you in developing your business reputation and being the go to professional in your field.

The hallmark of successful companies and top producers is their commitment to their customer service. Their goal is to ensure each of their customers has a positive experience.

Customer service will have a financial impact on you and your business, exceptional customer service offers positive financial rewards. As a result of your efforts there will be additional benefits such as customers freely referring you and your company which will grow your business and will make you a person of influence.

Be prepared and make the commitment to go the extra mile for your customers and in time your customers will go the extra mile for you.

When we go the extra mile for our customers we build customer loyalty, gain the customers respect and future referrals.

Make the commitment to exceed your customer’s expectations, go the extra mile and provide world class customer service and success will be yours.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

Complacency is the Silent Killer of Careers

“Each success only buys
an admission ticket
to a more difficult problem.”
Henry Kissinger, 56th US Secretary of State

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Complacency is the silent killer of careers.

The fruits of success can lead to complacency. You can see it in professional sports, business and in people’s personal lives. We have all seen people who have experienced success and could have taken their career to the next level, but they choose to become complacent and they never became the success that they capable of being.

Complacency becomes a trap and a silent killer of careers.

Success creates the opportunity to try again. The more success we achieve the more opportunities we invite.

Be on the lookout for the silent killer of complacency.

Don’t turn off the energy switch that powers your career efforts; keep your career burning brightly.

Do not misuse your time on non productive tasks; stay focused on your most productive activities.

Taking shortcuts can lead to failure; maintain your success habits.

Don’t have a sense of entitlement; earn your results from your efforts. Do your best and the best will come back to you with increased dividends.

Your next success is an effort away.

Don’t allow complacency to block your success.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Your Future Depends on You

Motivational Power Quote

Your Future Depends on You

“Your future depends
on many things,
but mostly you.”
Frank Tyger

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your potential is unlimited . . . . and your future depends on you.

All the things that happen to us, all the things we accomplish and who we become will be determined by our thinking.

Our mind has all the power we need to achieve our goals and create a life of fulfillment.

We can change the way we think and that changes who we are.

Our mind has the capacity and the resources to determine the outcome of an event through positive thinking.

The key of releasing the potential to an unlimited future is to unlock the potential of our mind.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, December 11, 2009

When We’ll Facing a Difficult Task

Motivational Power Quote

When We’ll Facing a Difficult Task

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a
difficult task which,
more than anything else,
will effect its successful outcome.”
William James, entrepreneur

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When we’ll facing a difficult task we will be asked to make choices.

Our first step with a difficult task is to begin our task with a positive attitude and the vision of a success outcome.

How we response to the task and our choices will be determined by our attitude and our thoughts.

Begin with a positive attitude.

Our attitude will determine our thinking; that thinking will determine if we choose the right track and the right path to a successful solutions.

Our attitude the beginning of a difficult task, will determine the outcome.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Turn Your Dreams into Action Not Nightmares

Motivational Power Quote

Turn Your Dreams into Action Not Nightmares

“Vision without action
is a daydream.
Action without vision
is a nightmare.”
Japanese Proverb

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Turn your dreams into action not nightmares.

When action takes place without a vision things become confusing and a nightmare will follow.

One of the biggest dreamers of the twentieth century was Walt Disney. He created mega entertainment experience for families from around the world and it all started with a vision, a vision of a mouse.

But first let me share with you what was behind Walt’s dream for Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

As a young man Walt, along with his wife, would take their two young daughters to amusement parks in the Los Angeles area.

What Walt found was poorly maintained amusement parks and rides. He found that the experience for his family was less than desirable.

Out of that disappointment Walt created the vision for what would become Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Walt took his vision, put it into a plan, and took action to make it happen.

The rest is history, for over six decades millions of families have enjoyed the Disney experience and Walt’s vision.

Walt’s success journey started with a vision; he turned that vision into action and then success.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

There is Value in Every Experience

“Nothing is a waste of time
if you use your
experience wisely.”
Augusta Rodin, French sculptor (1840 – 1917)

As I see it. . . . . . . .
There is value in every experience.

Ask yourself, what are the lessons to be learned from this experience?

Then ask yourself, with what I learned from that experience how will I apply those lessons in the future for positive results.

We learn from our experiences, when we open our mind to possibility thinking and we are able to see the experience as a learning opportunity.

As a result, when we learn from our experiences we can create value from our experiences and lessons. We will be able to apply those lessons for greater efficiency and success in the future.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Educator and Author

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Go Beyond What You Have Already Mastered

Motivational Power Quote

Go Beyond What You Have Already Mastered

“Unless you try to do
something beyond what
you have already mastered
you never grow.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Go Beyond what you have already mastered

Take the steps to grow beyond what you have already mastered.

There is no perfect time to take the first step to grow beyond what you have mastered, but the best time to start is right now.

What I have learned about personal growth is that the key is to take action and strive to grow.

Be willing to step outside your comfort zone and try new things to grow.

Once you grow beyond what you have already mastered your thoughts and actions will never return to there original state.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Executive Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, December 7, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

Remove Your Doubts and Fears

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear,
do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.”
Dale Carnegie, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Remove your doubts and fears

When we remove our doubts and fears and we open the gateway to unlimited possibilities.

Our doubts and fears build as a result of inaction and procrastination. Inaction builds a barrier between us and success and creates an environment of doubting ourselves which contributes to continued inaction.

Develop a proactive plan of action; take the steps that are required to move you in the direction of your goals and conquer your fears.

Don’t sit around, get out of your comfort zone, get started in the right direction and get busy today.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Positive Self Talk - Positive Self Image

Motivational Power Quote

Positive Self Talk­ - Positive Self Image

“Never say anything about yourself,
you do not want to come true.”
Brian Tracy, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . .
Positive self talk – Positive self image.

What we think about we become.

What we say about ourselves becomes part of our thought process.

When we speak about ourselves we need to speak kindly as our words are a refection of our thoughts and our thoughts have a tendency of becoming our reality.

Don’t say anything about yourself that will have a negative influence on you and your life.

When speaking about yourself speak in a positive affirming manor.

Be positive about what you say about yourself and make that positive self truth become your reality.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

Our Life is a Reflection in a Mirror

“Life is nothing but a mirror . . .
of your consistent thoughts.”
Anthony Robbins, author, motivational speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Our life is a reflection in a mirror.

When we look into a mirror we see the reflection of our thoughts. Our consistent thoughts create the person that we are and the person that we see in the mirror.

Put your life in perspective and focus your thoughts on the person that you want to be. Focus on the people that who are most important to you and your goals.

Keep your thoughts positive and your mind full of the possibilities.

What we see in our mind is the person we see in the mirror.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, December 4, 2009

10 Steps for Mastering Your Life

Motivational Power Quote

10 Steps for Mastering Your Life

“Knowing others is intelligence;
knowing yourself is true wisdom;
mastering others is strength;
mastering yourself is true power.”
Tao Tzu

As I see it. . . . . . . .
10 steps for mastering your life

Mastering yourself creates personal power and forward momentum in your life and your career.

As we become the master of our life we create the pathway to a full life, achievement and happiness.

Ten steps for mastering our lives.

1. Mastering your life by letting go of the past and move into
the future with purpose and passion.

2. Have a burning desirer for the things that you do.

3. Don’t become a victim become an achiever.

4. When you fall down get up.

5. Look at the world and you’re surrounding from a positive
point of view.

6. Surround yourself with positive people.

7. Fill your mind with positive thought.

8. Believe in yourself

9. Have a winning positive attitude

10. Take personal responsibly for your actions and your results.

Mastering our lives is taking personal control of our life; when we’re in control we create personal power.

Personal power creates the forward momentum on your success journey.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let Your Advice Be Soft

Motivational Power Quote

Let Your Advice Be Soft

“Advice is like snow;
the softer it falls,
the longer it dwells upon,
and the deeper it
sinks into, the mind.”
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Let your advice be soft.

Let your advice fall gently for the highest and lasting impact.

Hard advice can be perceived as demanding and can fall on deaf ears. Hard advice will be seen as confrontational and can cause a breakdown in a relationship and in your communication.

Soft advice is seen as conversation and is open for discussion.

Both parties can see the advantage of the soft advice. The longer the person considers the advice, the more the advice will be considered. At that point the advice becomes far more likely to be followed freely.

The person receiving soft advice is likely to accept the advice and the person giving the advice will be seen as an advocate.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Coach and Author

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jump on Every Opportunity

Motivational Power Quote

Jump on Every Opportunity

“Jumping at several small opportunities
may get us there more quickly than waiting
for one big one to come along.”
Hugh Allen

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Jump on every opportunity that’s presented to you.

Look at every opportunity as a stepping stone to achieving your desired outcome and success.

No matter how small an opportunity appears to be at the time; an opportunity has the potential to accelerate your success journey and build the bridge to your future.

Every opportunity has the capacity to open doors and to move us closer to our goals. Missed opportunities have the opposite effect and increase the distance between us and success.

When small opportunities become combined they have an accumulation factor that will make a big difference in our success.

Don’t wait for that big opportunity to come along. Jump on every opportunity that you have and you’ll make your own big opportunities.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Impossible is Only a Temporary Condition

Motivational Power Quote

Impossible is Only a Temporary Condition

“Impossible is the word
to be found in the dictionary of fools.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Impossible is only a temporary condition.

If we would accept impossible as an absolute we would not;

Have landed a man on the moon

Enjoy the benefit of flight and air travel

Have the marvels of modern medicine

Have cell phones
Watch a flat screen TV

Have a computer

Impossible was only present to those people who did not believe that something could be done.

Those who believe find a way and make the impossible possible.

Find the way to your possibilities.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, November 30, 2009

Grow Beyond What you Have Already Mastered

Motivational Power Quote

Grow Beyond what you Have Already Mastered

“Unless you try to do
something beyond what
you have already mastered
you never grow.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Grow beyond what you have already mastered

Take the steps to grow beyond what you have already mastered.

There is no perfect time to take the first step to grow beyond what you have mastered, but the best time to start is right now.

What I have learned about personal growth is that the key is to take action and to try.

In order to grow you need to be willing to step outside your comfort zone and try new things.

Once you grow beyond what you have already mastered your thoughts and actions will never return to their original state.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Follow your Vision

Motivational Power Quote

Follow your Vision

“The man with a new idea is a crank
until the idea succeeds.”
Mark Twain

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Follow your vision.

There are times that others don’t see your vision as you do and will call you a crank.

While attending Yale University, Fred Smith, founder of FedEX, wrote a term paper on the business model for what would become FedEX, his professor at Yale give him a C for his work.

The professor explained to Smith that his idea was illogical, and no one would invest their money in such a radical business concept or risk their career’s to work for such a company.

Fred Smith followed his vision and surrounded himself with committed people and launched FedEX in April 1973.

Today Fred Smith is seen as an innovator.

Don’t let other people’s opinions stand between you and your vision.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Never Surrender to Doubts and Fears

Motivational Power Quote

Never Surrender to Doubts and Fears

“A man’s doubts and fears
are his worst enemies.”
William Wrigley Jr., an American entrepreneur

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Never surrender to doubts and fears.

Doubts and fears become your worst enemies until you remove them.

There will be times on our success journey that we will experience doubts and fears. Don’t try to avoid them; confront them head on, neutralize the feelings and move pass them.

We create doubts in our mind when we experience a lack of confidence in ourselves. Keep your thoughts positive and focused on your success journey and your goals.

Your doubts will disappear and your confidence will increase once you have a clear direction and vision for your future and can measure your progress and activities.

Turn your doubts into certainty by keeping your thoughts moving in the direction of your success and goals.

There are times when we can develop fear as we move out of our comfort zone or move into unknown territory.

Fear can be best described as, “fantasizing experiences appearing real.”

A technique to eliminate fear is to focus on the situation and solutions and not on your feelings of doubt.

Turn your fear into faith and a belief in yourself.

Move forward and leave the baggage of doubts and fears on the side of the road and don’t look back.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Friday, November 27, 2009

Become Irreplaceable

Motivational Power Quote

Become Irreplaceable

“The top 20% in any profession
are never unemployed.”
Brian Tracy, Author, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Become irreplaceable.

When we move into the top of our chosen profession we become a valued resource. When we are in the top 20% of our profession we become irreplaceable.

People at the top of their profession are seen as a person of influence with their opinions being highly valued.

At the top of our profession we create the means to financial freedom and have the ability to earn the income to free our minds of the worry about money and concentrate on our business and having a fulfilling life.

The top 20% of any profession are in demand and never lack employment opportunities.

Your potential is unlimited; the power to become a top achiever resides in harnessing the power of your mind. Believe you can and you will.

Be determined to move into the top 20% of your profession.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, November 26, 2009

When You’re on the Success Escalator Keep Moving

Motivational Power Quote

When You’re on the Success Escalator Keep Moving

“The road of success is like
running up an escalator going down,
you need to keep running,
if you walk, you stand still,
if you stop you are going down.”
Anneloes Zuiderveen

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When you’re on a success escalator keep moving.

The success escalator can move in one of two directions, one taking us away from success and the other in the direction of success.

At times our success journey will appear to give us the allusion of trying to walk up an escalator going down. It will take an extended effort to maintain the pace and continue to move in the right direction. Make the decision to keep moving in the direction of success and apply the effort to reach your goals

If you’re moving in the wrong direction you will not achieve success. You have to make continuous adjustments and make the transition back towards the right direction.

Success will take a consistent effort.

If you slow down you will be left behind, and unless you get back on track and speed up you will not succeed.

If you stand still your goals and success will become out of sight and out of reach, resulting in failure.

It’s our success journey maintain focus and keep running in the direction of your goals and success.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

Influence Others by Example

“Setting an example
is not the main means of influencing others
it’s the only means.”
Albert Einstein, inventor

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Influence others by example.

We have the capacity to influence thousands of people over our lifetime. The question then becomes how will we influence them? Will we be a positive and memorable influence, a negative influence, or no influence at all?

Our influence with others will be judged by the examples we set and the way others see us as a result of those examples.

When we consistently set positive examples for others to see we will be recognized as a person of influence, and that influence builds positive relationships.

People of influence become leaders in their field. The foundation of their influence becomes their relationships which are built on trust. As a leader people will value your opinion and seek you out.

Set a positive example and be seen a person of influence.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Influence Others by Example

Motivational Power Quote

Influence Others by Example

“Setting an example
is not the main means of influencing others
it’s the only means.”
Albert Einstein, inventor

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Influence others by example.

We have the capacity to influence thousands of people over our lifetime. The question then becomes how will we influence them? Will we be a positive and memorable influence, a negative influence, or no influence at all?

Our influence with others will be judged by the examples we set and the way others see us as a result of those examples.

When we consistently set positive examples for others we will be recognized as a person of influence, and that influence builds positive relationships.

People of influence become leaders in their field. The foundation of their influence becomes their relationships which are built on trust. As a leader people will value your opinion.

Set a positive example and be seen a person of influence.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Secret of Greatness

Motivational Power Quote

The Secret of Greatness

“The secret of greatness is simple:
do better work than
any other man in your field –
and keep on doing it.”
Wilfred A. Peterson

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The secret of greatness is simple.

Make the commitment to do better work than anyone in your field. Continually move in the direction of excellence in your daily activities. Never settle for a second best effort, step up and stand out.

Your best is required to achieve and succeed.

Keep doing what you do best, don’t give up and don’t stop. Continuously strive in the direction of your desired outcomes.

Greatness is a continued journey of personal commitment and effort.

Unlock your greatness.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Influence Others by Example

Motivational Power Quote

Influence Others by Example

“Setting an example
is not the main means of influencing others
it’s the only means.”
Albert Einstein, inventor

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Influence others by example.

We have the capacity to influence thousands of people over our lifetime. The question then becomes how will we influence them? Will we be a positive and memorable influence, a negative influence, or no influence at all?

Our influence with others will be judged by the examples we set and the way others see us as a result of those examples.

When we consistently set positive examples for others we will be recognized as a person of influence, and that influence builds positive relationships.

People of influence become leaders in their field. The foundation of their influence becomes their relationships which are built on trust. As a leader people will value your opinion.

Set a positive example and be seen a person of influence.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Trust Me

Motivational Power Quote

Trust Me

“As I trust others,
others will trust me.”
Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Trust me

Trust allows people to reach a mutual level in a relationship and in their communications.

The foundation of trust comes as a result of building and maintaining rapport.

Rapport creates a bond and respect between the parties.

At the beginning of a relationship, trust can be tentative until we form a mutual level of confidence and acceptance.

Trust will lower resistance and will lead to mutual gain.

I will trust you and you will trust me when we establish rapport, build confidence and work towards mutual gain.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Secret of Greatness

Motivational Power Quote

The Secret of Greatness

“The secret of greatness is simple:
do better work than
any other man in your field –
and keep on doing it.”
Wilfred A. Peterson

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The secret of greatness is simple.

Make the commitment to do better work than anyone in your field. Continually move in the direction of excellence in your daily activities. Never settle for a second best effort, step up and stand out.

Your best is required to achieve and succeed.

Keep doing what you do best, don’t give up and don’t stop. Continuously strive in the direction of your desired outcomes.

Greatness is a continued journey of personal commitment and effort.

Unlock your greatness.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Best Way to Win an Argument

Motivational Power Quote

The Best Way to Win an Argument

“The only way to get
the best of an argument
is to avoid it.”
Dale Carnegie, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The best way to win an argument is not to be involved in one.

When you lose an argument, you lose.

When you win an argument, you lose.

In either case, you lose.

If you attempt to convince someone against their will, they will remain unconvinced and you’ll damage your relationship.

When faced with disagreement hear the other person out and seek to see and understand their point of view.

Establish the area’s of the disagreement and seek a common ground for solutions and an agreement.

Form a basis of common trust and cooperation.

Thank the other person for their input and their interest in finding a resolution.

Get the consensus on the areas of agreement and take the steps for resolution on the areas of disagreement.

Be seen as a facilitator, not an opponent.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stand Like a Rock

Motivational Power Quote

Stand Like a Rock

“In matters of style,
swim with the current;
in matters of principle,
stand like a rock.”
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US President

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Be a person of principle and stand like a rock.

Our principles become our guiding light. Principles are internal and expressed externally through our actions.

One’s principles are a matter of choice.

A person who has a foundation of strong moral principles will be seen as a person with character. Unsound principles is like standing on quicksand, we will not have solid footing and will eventually sink.

Our principles are the way we see our world and will be reflected in the type of decisions we make.

Principles are personal and business codes of conduct; it’s our moral compass and can be measured.

Stand like a rock through the storms of life, and when the storm passes you will be standing as a person of principle.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Releasing Your Brake Will Set You Free

Motivational Power Quote

Releasing Your Brake Will Set You Free

“Low self-esteem is like
driving through life
with your hand-break on.”
Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho – Cybernetics

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Releasing your brake will set you free.

Self-esteem is a driving force in our life and is the foundation of winning and losing, success and failure, and our level of performance and achievement.

Our thoughts are guided by the inner voice of our self-esteem.

Low self-esteem is our negative inner critic telling us that we can’t do it and unless treated becomes; I won’t try because I can’t.

Releasing our brake begins with believing in ourselves and our abilities. It’s forming the habit of yes I can.

Focus on your successes.

Learn from your mistakes but don’t dwell on them.

Listen to personal development audio programs and read books that will inspire you.

Take personal responsibility for where you are today; set a clear path for where you want to go with how you’ll get there.

Releasing your brake will set you free to be the person that you were meant to be.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Moments Pass too Quickly

Motivational Power Quote

Our Moments Pass too Quickly

“Life is all memory
except for one present moment
that goes by you so quickly
you can hardly catch it going.”
Tennessee Williams, American playwright

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Our moments pass too quickly.

Our greatest memories are created in the flash of a moment.

That moment passes so quickly that we may not recognize the gravity of the impact that has taken place.

What may appear to be inconsequential in that moment may become an important moment for us and our life.

The impact of that moment may not be immediate; it may take time to find meaning in that moment. Other times the impact will be apparent immediately.

Our life is full of memories, grasp your moments as they pass too quickly, because today’s moments are tomorrow’s memories.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What’s One Thing that You Can’t Recycle?

Motivational Power Quote

What’s One Thing that You Can’t Recycle?

“One thing you can’t recycle
is wasted time.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .
What is the one thing that you can’t recycle?

It’s wasted time.

Our time is perishable and will spoil with lack of use. Once our time has passed it can never be recaptured. That time has been of no value us and has been wasted forever.

Value every minute of your day; put a value on your time. Maximize the use of your time. Make your day and your time productive.

You can’t recycle wasted time; once it’s wasted it’s gone forever. When our time becomes productive it creates value for us and our time returns to us with dividend.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Make Your Life a Mission

Motivational Power Quote

Make Your Life a Mission

“Make your life a mission-
not an intermission.”
Arnold H. Glasgow

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Make your life a mission.

Determine exactly what it is that you want and make it your mission to achieve it.

Burn the vision in your thoughts and in your mind, of what you want to achieve, with certainty and clarity so you can envision your goals coming true.

Have a crystal clear vision of the achievement; keep it in your mind as if it has already been accomplished. Be determined to be the person in your vision.

The person who creates intermissions creates excuses.

A person with a mission creates personal power.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, November 13, 2009

Let Go of Uncompleted Tasks

Motivational Power Quote

Let Go of Uncompleted Tasks

“Nothing is so fatiguing
as hanging on to
an uncompleted task.”
William James, American psychologist

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Let go of uncompleted tasks.

When we hang onto an uncompleted task it’s like dragging an anchor around with us. It becomes exhausting.

An uncompleted task will not only drain our energy but it will also cloud our thinking. As we continue to think about the things that are left undone we will drain our energy and wastes our time.

Create a written list of your priorities; put your uncompleted tasks in order of importance. Create a plan to complete the task and take action.

Once you have completed the task you will feel as if a weight has lifted off your shoulders and you will see your energy return.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, November 12, 2009

It Comes Down to What We Do

Motivational Power Quote

It Comes Down to What We Do

“Knowing is not enough;
we must apply.
Wishing is not enough;
we must do.”
John Wolfgang Von Goethe

As I see it. . . . . . . .
It comes down to what we do.

Knowledge alone will not create success.

The application of knowledge develops the insight of what is required to succeed.

Wishing for success without action is a dream.

It is not until we take action and do what’s required to succeed that our wishing will become our success journey that moves us forward in the direction of our desired outcomes.

Be a person of action and just do it.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Motivational Power Quote

How Are People Like Sticks of Dynamite?

“Just remember people
are like sticks of dynamite;
the power is in the inside,
but nothing happens
until the fuse gets lit.”
Mac Andersen

As I see it. . . . . . . .
How are people like sticks of dynamite?

The power of dynamite is inside the stick and to unleash the power you have to light the fuse and let nature take its course.

To unleash our person power we have to light our fuse.

We all have the power of dynamite within us; we have to take the steps to light our fuse to unleash our personal power.

What is your passion, what motivates you to succeed, what lights your fuse? Determine what will light your fuse, and then pursue it with a passion.

Light your fuse and watch the flame burn brightly and experience the explosion of your personal power.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Author and Author

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Effectively Problem Solving

Motivational Power Quote

Effectively Problem Solving

“Before it can be solved a problem
must be clearly stated and defined.”
William Feather

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Effective problem solving

There are four steps that need to be taken in order to effectively solve a problem.

Let’s look at the steps doctors have been successfully doing for centuries with their patients. They examine, diagnose, prescribe and treat.

The first two steps are to examine and diagnose the problem. As a result of the examination, we are able to clearly state and define the problem.

Once we have clearly stated and defined the problem the next step is to determine what will be prescribed in order to treat and solve the problem.

We develop a plan of action, to treat the problem, based on a clearly defined solution.

As we are working through the problem we are able to measure the results of the treatment and can adjust our strategy based on these results.

Examine your progress until your problem has successfully been treated and resolved.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Monday, November 9, 2009

Excellence is Expected

Motivational Power Quote

Excellence is Expected

“Be a yardstick of quality.
Some people aren’t used to an
environment where
excellence is expected.”
Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computers

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Excellence is expected.

What we expect we create first in our minds and then in reality.

Excellence is a choice, it’s our choice.

The pursuit of excellence is a commitment to be the best that we can be and influencing those around us to follow our lead.

Excellence is about expecting the best and taking the personal responsibility to make it happen.

Create the vision of excellence and pursue your vision with passion and excellence will be achieved.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Accept our World or Change your World

Motivational Power Quote

Accept our World or Change your World

“To succeed, it is necessary
to accept the world as it is –
and raise above it.”
Michael Korda, publisher

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Accept our world as it is, and then make the decision if that’s the world that we want.

We can choose to accept things the way they are and continue to follow the current path that we’re on, or we can seek alternatives and seek a better path and a better world.

We can choose to rise above our current circumstances.

Take ownership of our current circumstances and take personal responsibility to make the changes to move beyond where you’re at today.

Determine the steps required to rise above your circumstances and make the commitment to see it through to a successful conclusion.

Take massive action to rise above the world you live in today.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Attitude Makes the Difference in Problem Solving

Motivational Power Quote

Attitude Makes the Difference in Problem Solving

“Your problem is not your problem.
Your attitude - how you handle
your problem - is your problem.”
John Maxwell, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Our attitude forms the basis for solving our problems.

Essentially our problems are not the problem. The real problem surfaces in how we address our problems; will we take a positive or negative approach to solve the problem?

Will we take the personal responsibility to correct the problem?

Our attitude will determine how we address the problems we encounter and our approach to its resolution.

Our attitude will also determine the level of our persistence in resolving the problem and seeing the problem through to a successful conclusion.

The bottom line is that our attitude will make the difference in our problem solving.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, November 6, 2009

You Can Knock Me Down but I Will Never Give Up

Motivational Power Quote

You Can Knock Me Down but I Will Never Give Up

“It’s hard to beat a person
who never gives up.”
Babe Ruth, baseball hall of fame

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The hardest person in the world to beat is the person who refuses to give up.

When you study the top achievers they all share one common attribute; the attribute of persistence.

They will not give up under pressure or when they are facing obstacles. They will hang in just a little longer.

When the going gets rough they refuse to give up.

No matter how many challenges they face, no matter how many times they are knocked down they don’t give up, they get up and try again.

When we are knocked down, refuse to stay down; get up and don’t give up.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Green and Grow

Motivational Power Quote

When We’re Green We’re Growing

“Life is growth.
If we stop growing,
technically and spiritually
we are as good as dead.”
Monihei Ueshiba

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When we are green we are growing.

Like the mighty oak tree that starts’s its life cycle as a small acorn. The tree takes root and though out its life continues grows.

A mature oak tree can grow to reach 100 feet or more in height.

Our live in many respects is like an oak tree.

Once we take root there is a need to continue to grow and mature through out our life. Our growth involves our personal, our profession and our spiritual growth.

As we grow we become a stronger person and we put down very deep roots, the strength of our roots supports our growth and provides the fuel for our success journey.

The person that elects not to grow has make a choice; and much like an oak tree with no roots, they will wittier and die.

Make the choice to be green and continue to grow.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When Faced with a Choice – Make it

Motivational Power Quote

When Faced with a Choice – Make it

“When you have to make a choice
and you don’t make it,
that is in itself a choice.”
William James, psychologist

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When faced with a choice – make it.

Success is created by our choices; when we have a choice to make, make it.

The choice of no action is the choice of procrastination and accepting what is happens to us which can lead to frustration.

Not making a choice is also a choice of deferring our decisions to others to make the choice for us without any input on our part.

Once we decide not to make a choice we have lost control over our choices and our decision making.

When you look at successful people they have a common trait; they make tough choices and they will establish where they are expecting their choices to take them.

Successful people will also risk making an occasional mistake, but they will take action and make a choice. They believe that their choices are correct and they will move forward with conviction to carry out their choices.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Have Awareness

Motivational Power Quote

Have Awareness

“Let us not look back in anger,
nor forward in fear;
but around us in awareness.”
James Thurber

As I see it. . . .
Have awareness.

Have awareness of the things around us, look for the opportunities. Work through the challenges and over come the obstacles.

Be aware of the past but don’t live there it will drain your energy.

Move forward with confidence and leave your fears at the door.

Be aware of where you are today; take the steps to move forward with enthusiasm, purpose and awareness.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

The Road to Nowhere

Motivational Power Quote

The Road to Nowhere

“If you don’t know where you are going,
every road will get nowhere.”
Henry Kissinger, 56th Secretary of State and 1973 Nobel Peace Prize

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The road to nowhere

We will reach a fork in the road; a decision will have to be made, which road will we take?

If we don’t know where we are going we won’t know what road will take us to our destination.

Where we have no direction it becomes impossible to set our GPS, because we don’t know where we are going. We can’t use a map because we have no idea what our destination is.

Without a clear direction, we will wander without a purpose, with no end in sight. We would truly become lost because we don’t know what road to take.

When we know where we are going and we reach a fork in the road, we know with certainty which road to take and we can take it with confidence.

@2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, November 2, 2009

What Makes Achievers Excel?

Motivational Power Quote

What Makes Achievers Excel?

“Nothing is a waste of time
if you use the experience wisely.”
Augusta Rodin

As I see it. . . . . . . .
What makes achievers excel?

A common trait among achievers is they learn from their experiences and then use that knowledge wisely.

They refuse to let their experiences take them off track. They use their experiences to plan for the future and move forward with a purpose.

Achievers form the habit of making good decisions based on their knowledge gained from their activities and past experiences. Achievers have confidence in themselves and their decision making capacity, and will make decisions with confidence.

Achievers take positive action to move them in the direction of their goals.

Achievers excel because they discard rejection and continually move forward without fear, regardless of the circumstance’s that are presented to them.

Achievers embrace change as positive opportunities.

Every experience offers a message and an opportunity to learn if we use the experience wisely.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We Control What Goes on Inside Us

Motivational Power Quote

We Control What Goes on Inside Us

“I cannot always control what goes on outside.
But I can always control what goes on inside.”
Wayne Dyer

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We control what goes on inside us.

At times what’s goes on around us will be outside of our control.

Our first step is to determine what’s under our control and what we are unable to control.

There will be times that we can’t control our surroundings or what’s going on outside of us. We can control what we do in those situations and that control comes from within us.

What we have control over is what goes on inside us.

We can control our choices, our attitude, our thoughts and what actions we take.

We have the choice to have a healthy positive attitude and positive thinking or we have the choice to be negative.

When we have both a positive attitude and our thinking is positive we make far better decisions and we take proactive steps and actions.

Make the decision to control those things that are within us and to do our best with the things that are outside of our control.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, October 31, 2009

We are Personally Responsible for What We Do

Motivational Power Quote

We are Personally Responsible for What We Do

“Personal responsibility begins with ME.
That’s why it’s personal.”
Jim Miller

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We are personally responsible for what we do.

Our actions are under our control and our choice.

Each of our decisions and actions are building blocks for our future and to a successful outcome when we take personal responsibility for what we do.

Once we take personal responsibility for our decisions, our actions and the outcomes, we take complete control of our lives.

Our success begins with taking personal responsibility for what we do.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Friday, October 30, 2009

We Achieve in Life What We Believe

Motivational Power Quote

We Achieve in Life What We Believe

“We cannot achieve more in life
than what we believe
in our hearts we deserve to have.”
James R. Ball

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We achieve in life what we believe.

Believing in ourselves is a choice. To achieve success we have to believe in ourselves, our dreams, and our abilities.

Our personal belief system begins with our attitude. A positive attitude creates a positive self image and beliefs, while a negative attitude creates a negative self image and negative beliefs. Our outcome will mirror our attitude.

Believe in what you can do. Setbacks and obstacles will occur on our success journey, they are only temporary, unless we decide to quit.

Believe in what you can do, take advantage and build your future from your strengths.

The choice of what we believe we can accomplish and what we believe is our choice.

We will achieve in life what we believe we can do. Become a possibility thinker, believe you deserve success, set your goals and then go out and achieve them.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Unlimited Power of Enthusiasm

Motivational Power Quote

The Unlimited Power of Enthusiasm

“A man can succeed at almost anything
for which he has
unlimited enthusiasm.”
Charles Schwab, American entrepreneur

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Enthusiasm makes the difference.

The foundation to unlimited enthusiasm is formed in our subconscious mind and manifests through our level of confidence.

Our confidence, combined with a positive attitude, creates the positive energy of enthusiasm. That enthusiasm becomes an un-stoppable force that’s transferred to the people that we come in contact with.

We create unlimited power with our enthusiasm when the people that we come in contact with catch our enthusiasm. That enthusiasm creates the opportunities to succeed at anything that we decide to do.

Put the Unlimited Power of Enthusiasm to work for you.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Try, Try and Try Again

Motivational Power Quote

Try, Try and Try Again

“You may be disappointed
if you fail,
but you are doomed
if you don’t try.”
Beverly Sills, American Opera Soprano

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Try, try and try again.

Many of the most successful people have experienced failure on their success journey which leads them to disappointment. But they did not quit they regrouped, adjusted, and moved forward with passion.

When we experience failure we are confronted with a choice. Do we stop trying or do we continue our success journey and overcome the failure?

The successful people throughout history have elected to continue and move on passed their failures.

The reason that we read about the successful people is because they made the extra effort to try again and succeeded in the face of adversity, while the others passed into history unnoticed because they stopped trying and were doomed to live in their failures.

When faced with failure pick yourself up and bush yourself off and continue to try.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

True Success Comes Through Helping Others

Motivational Power Quote

True Success Comes Through Helping Others

“Successful people are always
looking for opportunities to help others.
Unsuccessful people
are always asking,
what’s in it for me?”
Brian Tracy, personal and business trainer, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
We form the building blocks for our success by seeking out the opportunities to be of service and helping others.

Successful people continually seek opportunities to help others achieve what they want. By helping others achieve more of what they want we will achieve more of what we want.

Our success will be in direct proportion of our services and helping others.

Unsuccessful people have a tendency to become self absorbed with their personal needs and will put their needs above the needs of their customers.

Successful people understand that true success comes through helping others.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today I Will Prepare for My Tomorrows

Motivational Power Quote

Today I Will Prepare for My Tomorrows

“Today I will do what others won’t,
so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.”
Jerry Rice, hall of fame football player

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Today I will prepare for my tomorrows.

My future resides in my tomorrows.

The success of tomorrow resides in my attitude, actions and preparation of today.

I will commit to work a little harder and a little longer today to become better tomorrow.

I have a clear vision of my goals and the effort required to achieve my goals and success.

I will stay focused on achieving my goals.

I will make a personal commitment to myself to achieve my goals.

I will overcome any obstacles that I encounter along the way on my success journey.

I believe in myself and my abilities to achieve my desired outcome.

I believe it’s possible when I am reaching for my goals with passion.

I will keep my eye on the prize.

I will take positive action everyday in order to accomplish my goals. I will do what others can’t do as a result of my commitment to my vision and my effort.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coaching, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Think It, Believe It, and Make it Happen

Motivational Power Quote

Think It, Believe It, and Make it Happen

“The thing always happens
that you really believe in;
and the belief in a thing
makes it happen.”
Frank Lloyd Wright, American architect (1869-1959)

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Think it, believe it, and make it happen.

Our beliefs are the foundation to what will happens to us.

When we have a deep belief in something, that belief becomes ingrained in our mind and creates a vision of what we believe and the outcome as we want it to be. The more we think about what we want in a positive fashion, the likelihood of that event occurring increases.

Things happen to us as the result of what we really believe in, and that belief is a result of our vision.

Our beliefs is the catalyst to making it happen.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Things Will Not Always Be Perfect

Motivational Power Quote

Things Will Not Always Be Perfect

“Life is 10% what you make it,
and 90% how you take it.”
Irving Berlin, American composer and lyricist

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Things will not always be perfect or as we would like them to be in our lives.

We can be presented with obstacles.

We can be presented with opportunities.

Our lives will be formed by the way we take the things that life presents us.

90% of our success will be based on our ability to effectively work through each situation that is presented to us, finding solutions and corrective measures.

Our thoughts and our attitude will determine the direction we choose in selecting the solutions.

Look at every obstacle as an opportunity and every opportunity as opening the door to a successful future.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach , Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, October 23, 2009

There is No Success Without Learning

Motivational Power Quote

There is No Success Without Learning

“Learning is not compulsory. . .
neither is survival.”
Dr. W. Edwards Deming, consultant, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The future belongs to those who are continuously learning. They accumulate the knowledge to successfully compete in the new business environment.

Relevant knowledge properly applied becomes a powerful tool. Lack of knowledge becomes fatal.

The key to the future is learning the skills and accumulating the knowledge that gives you the ability to master your field of endeavor and then apply the skills and knowledge in an effective manor.

The price of being a non-learner is astronomical and paid over a lifetime.

The price for our future success is paid today in our commitment to learning in the present.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Success Journey is Not an Expressway

Motivational Power Quote

The Success Journey is Not an Expressway

“If you can find a path
with no obstacles,
it probably
doesn’t lead anywhere.”
Frank A. Clark

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The path of our success journey is not an expressway. As we travel on our journey we will encounter challenges and obstacles.

A path traveled without obstacles will not lead us to our destination.

We become the master of our destiny when we take control of the obstacles, find solutions, take action and move forward.

Obstacles become the stepping stones to our success, when we successfully navigate through our challenges and the obstacles we face.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Secret of Determination

Motivational Power Quote

The Secret of Determination

“Determination gives you the resolve
to keep going in spite
of the roadblocks that lay before you.”
Denis Waitley, Author, Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The secret of determination is formed within our choices.

Determination is a choice of seeing things through to their conclusion no matter how challenging the circumstances may appear to be or becomes.

Choose to visualize a successful outcome, see the ending exactly as you would like it to be.

People who are truly determined are committed to the effort necessary to reach their desired outcomes.

A determined person has an expectation of success before the first step is taken.

Successful people are determined to succeed and replace the word failure with the philosophy that they are experiencing a temporary setback and believe that a setback gets them one step closer to reaching their desired outcome.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Power is in Teaching the Person How to Think

Motivational Power Quote

The Power is in Teaching the Person How to Think

“Teach the young people
how to think,
not what to think.”
Sidney Sugarman

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The power is in teaching the person how to think . . . . not what to think.

Telling the person what to think prevents the persons mind from becoming creative and will hinder their self-confidence. More importantly, it prevents the person from fully developing their thinking and decision making capacity.

Teaching a person to think creates personal power and self-confidence. They believe that they can think their way through any situation and make good decisions. They will challenge themselves to think out of the box and to make the tough decisions.

The person, who believes in their thinking, believes in themselves and that confidence shows.

Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Person With Hope Has Everything

Motivational Power Quote

The Person With Hope Has Everything

“For he who has health has hope,
and he who has hope,
has everything.”
Owen Arthur, former Prime Minster of Barbados

As I see it. . . . . . . .
The person with hope has everything.

Hope our expectations for our future as we want it to be; that hope will help us through challenging times.

Continued thinking about our hopes creates a pattern of positive thinking and expectation.

Our continued positive thinking about the achievement of our hopes; forms a pattern of dominate thinking and a vision for our hopes and our future until our hopes becomes a reality.

Hope creates the source of energy to keep us focused until our hope is achieved.

Our hope becomes the internal inspiration to keep us motivated to continue work towards achieving our hopes.

A person that has hope has eternal optimism for their future and in turn has everything.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Specific Affirmations Will Create Our Future

Motivational Power Quote

Specific Affirmations Will Create Our Future

“Every thought we think
is creating our future.”
Louise L. Hay

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Specific affirmations will create our future.

Create specific affirmations that are goal specific for powerful results.

Visualize the affirmations as if your goals and dreams have already been accomplished.

Begin your affirmations in the first person with,
“I am . . .”
“We are . . .”
The affirmations will create a positive experience.

The affirmations will begin to reprogram your thought process.

Keep all of your affirmations positive.

Keep the affirmations short and specific.

Use action words to change your emotions.

Your affirmations are personal and are created for your personal changes and actions.

Your affirmations will create positive expectations and increase your motivation to take charge of your future while encouraging you to act now.

Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Singleness of Purpose

Motivational Power Quote

Singleness of Purpose

“Singleness of purpose is one of
the chief essentials for
success in life,
no matter what may be one’s aim.”
John D. Rockefeller Jr., American Philanthropist

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Singleness of purpose is the foundation of putting our objectives in order. When we put our objectives in writing, we create goals.

A lack of focus or purpose is a major source of worry and stress. One of the best methods to address and remove worry and stress is to create a worry and stress buster. That buster is the singleness of purpose.

Singleness of purpose crates clarity and meaning to our life and puts our goals in order. It provides us with a sense of direction and a source of energy to move us in the direction of our goals.

Once we set the priorities for our lives through the singleness of purpose it becomes one of the chief essentials for creating success.

®2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Inspirational Speaker, Trainer, Educator and Author

Friday, October 16, 2009

Risk Mistakes in Order to Succeed

Motivational Power Quote

Risk Mistakes in Order to Succeed

“A life spent making mistakes
is not only more honorable,
but more useful than a
life spent doing nothing.”
George Bernard Shaw, playwright, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Be willing to take the risk of making mistakes in order to succeed.

You’ll find successful people made mistakes on their success journey but they use their mistakes as a building block experience to learn and grow. They will learn from their mistakes and they make every effort not to repeat that mistake in the future.

What becomes paramount with successful people is they won’t dwell on their mistakes; they move forward and focus on their success journey.

We are far better off to risk mistakes rather than spend our lives doing nothing.

®2009, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Real Integrity is . . . .

Motivational Power Quote

Real Integrity is . . . .

“Real integrity is doing the right thing,
knowing that nobody’s
going to know whether you did it or not.”
Oprah Winfrey, talk show host

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Real integrity is doing what’s right even when you may be the only person that would know what you’ve done.

When you think about integrity you think about the person’s character.

Acting with integrity is seen as an attribute in various aspects of a person’s personal and professional endeavors to do the right thing without looking for personal rewards.

Even when under pressure a person with integrity will do the right thing.

The person with real integrity emerges as the leaders, as a top performer, and is sought after for their advice and counsel.

®Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author