Sunday, December 28, 2014

Open Your Mind . . . . to Expand it

Open Your Mind . . . . to Expand It
“If you believe you are born with all the smarts and gifts
you’ll ever have, you tend to approach life with a
fixed mind-set. However, those who believe
that their abilities can be expand over
time live with a growth mind-set and
they’re much more innovative.”
Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Authority on Management

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Open you mind . . . . to expand it

What you do during your life is a matter of your choices . . . . and you condition your choices by your mind-set.

You can believe that you were born with all the talent . . . . and abilities that you will ever need. Or we can believe that you can accumulate new knowledge . . . . and develop new skills that will propel you forward to unlimited opportunities.

What you believe is your choice.

What you do is your choice.

When you expand your mind . . .  you open your mind to new possibilities . . . . and unlimited opportunities.

If you look at things with a closed mind you will have a very narrow view of the world . . . . and you will miss opportunities . . . .and limit your success.

See the world as a one of world of unlimited opportunities and expand your mind . . . .  to expand it, to grow to capture those opportunities. 

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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