Thursday, November 27, 2014


“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except
by those who dared believe that something
inside them was superior to
 the circumstance.”
Bruce Barton, Advertising Executive, Author
As I see it. . . . . . . .

You will climb the mountain . . . . that you believe that you can climb.

You will clear the huddle . . . . that you believe that you can clear.

You will overcome the obstacle . . . . that you believe that you can overcome.

You will do . . . . what you can do.

The only limitations that you have . . . . are the limitations in your beliefs. You will do what you believe you can do . . . . and you will achieve what you believe you can achieve.

Dr. Martin Luther King dared to dream.

Dr. King had a dream . . . . and he believed in his dream with  passion . . . .  and the determination to make them a reality. His passion was so strong that he could express the vision of his dream through his words. From those words others could see the same vision and have the same dream.

Dr. King stretched the limits of his day to accomplish . . . . and inspired a generation to dare to dream and believe.

Dr. King . . . . is an example of the power to dare to believe.

You will achieve . . . . what you believe that you will achieve.

When you want to achieve more in life you have to change your personal belief system to be one of . . . .  I believe I can, I believe I will and I did.

Dare to believe that you can . . . . and you will. Unlock the future of unlimited possibilities and dare to believe.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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