Sunday, November 16, 2014

Attracting New Business Opportunity

Attracting New Business Opportunity
“A man to carry on a successful business must have
imagination. He must see things a in a vision,
a dream of the whole thing.”
Charles M. Schwab 1862 - 1939 , American Steel Magnate

As I see it . . . . . . .
Attracting new business opportunity

Flexible people with an open mind can see things that people with a closed mind will never see. When you see more . . . . you see more business opportunities attract more . . . . and achieve more.

To achieve more you have to acquire new skills . . . . and enhance your existing skill to reach the greater levels of success that the opportunities offer.

Those who are willing to embrace learning in a changing business environment will attract new business opportunities . . . . and go on to greater success in the future. While the non-learner will straggle to keep up the pace . . . . They will longer be able to effectively compete in a challenging marketplace.

The learners keep the flame of their dreams burning brightly in their imagination . . . . and in their thoughts. They make them come true first in their thoughts . . . .and then make them become realty through their actions.

A commitment to continuous learning to acquire the necessary skills to create a cutting edge business advantage is a must. To effectively compete in a competitive world continuous learning is no longer optional it becomes a must to stay completive and to achieve greater success.

Attracting new business opportunity and greater levels of success will be attracted by those who have educated themselves . . . and effectively apply their new skills. At the same time others will be falling off the pace and will not be able to keep up without the education and the new skills.

As a result you will turn your opportunities into a strategic business advantage . . . . and maximize your new business opportunities. 

The learners with an open mind will attract new business opportunity and with their commitment to succeed they become leaders in their field.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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