Saturday, November 30, 2013

Asking Questions Opens Doors

Asking Questions Opens Doors
“Asking questions will get you the performance
you are after far better than dictating demands.”
 Dan James

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Asking question opens doors

Asking questions give you insight to the person that you’re speaking with . . . . and makes the person feel important.

Asking questions is a sign of respect . . . . and showing sincere interest in the person that your are speaking with.

In response to asking questions you form a relationship with the person and build rapport.

Rapport opens the door for continuous exchange of information and communication.

When you make demands of people often this can shut off open . . . . and honest communication with the other person. As a result they may feel threatened, angry, or both. From that point forward communications, relationships, and negotiations breakdown.

Making demands can also jeopardize a relationship . . . . and close the door on future opportunities.

As you continue to ask questions you gather information. When that information is properly utilized you are seen as a problem solver. 

As a problem solver, you help the other person and you gain momentum that continuously moves you in the direction of our goals and objectives.

Asking questions opens doors . . . . builds rapport . . . . and increases your performance and places you in a win – win situation.

©2013 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author



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