Sunday, September 22, 2013

True Happiness is Found in Enjoying the Journey

Motivational Power Quote

True Happiness is Found in Enjoying the Journey
Someone has said, Success is a journey not a destination.
Happiness is to be found along the way,
not at the end of the road.”
Robert Updegraff, Business Consultant

As I see it. . . . . . . .

True happiness is found in enjoying the journey

The success is not found in reaching the destination it found in enjoying the success journey . . . . and in achieving the milestones along the way.

The person that enjoys their success journey is a person that celebrates successfully reaching each of their stepping stones on their journey. With each stepping stone that’s achieved they will gain forward momentum.

They enjoy their achievements and their progress of pushing forward to the next milestone. 

They view their success journey as a mission that has been broken down into smaller incremental steps with each one becoming a stepping stone to the next level. 

In enjoying your success journey you focus on your moments and making the most of the moments that you are blessed with. By enjoying your moments you begin to value your time and the experiences that your moments provide to you.

The person who takes joy in their moments creates the foundation to enjoy their days and years of their lives.

True happiness is found in enjoying the journey. The joy of life is in their journey not is in the destination. For the person who enjoys the journey will find that they achieve things in their life that are far beyond their original destination.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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