Monday, June 10, 2013

Be On Purpose With the Use of Your Time

Motivational Power Quote

Be On Purpose With the Use of Your Time
Ordinary people think merely of spending time.
Great people think of use it.”
Source unknown  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Be on purpose with the use of your time

The day is yours to do with it . . . . as you please.

You can take your 24 hours . . . . and use it with a purpose in creating value in your day and in your time. Or you can spend it as you please in ways . . . . that may or may not return any value to you or your time.

There is always freedom in what you choose to do with your time. But there is a price that you pay on how you decide to use your time. Time used with a purpose is well used . . . . and is returns to you with interest. Time poorly used is gone forever . . . . and returns no lasting value to you.

When you recognize that your time is a precious resource and you use it with a purpose. It becomes a vehicle that can be used . . . . to create success and prosperity in your life.

Use your time with a purpose and you will harness the power of your time . . . . and you will take control of your days and your life.   

Be on purpose with the use of your time . . . . and you will live an on purpose life.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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