Saturday, June 15, 2013

As You Treat Others They Will Treat You

Motivational Power Quote

As You Treat Others They Will Treat You
The people who are lifting the world onward
are those who encourage more than they criticize.”
Elizabeth Harrison 1849 – 1927, American Educator

As I see it. . . . . . . .

As you treat others they will treat you

The people that make the most of their lives have a simple . . . . and yet very effective psychology . . . . never criticize, condemn or complain.  The people who practice this psychology live their life . . . . in a positive world of self-expectation for themselves. They will make it a practice to treat the people that they meet with a sense of encouragement.

As you think you become, as you treat others they will treat you.

When you live in a world of positive self-expectations . . . .

You’re find yourself living a positive and productive life. How you live your life will influence . . . . your relationships and the people that you interact with. You also will find that the overwhelming majority of the people will reciprocate and treat you in the same manner . . . . as they are being treated.

Words to live your life by are . . . . to never criticize . . . . condemn . . . . or complain. With that psychology you will find that you will become a person of influence . . . . and you will stand out in your life and profession.

As you treat others they will treat you . . . .  as your treat others will determine if you establish a business relationship with them . . . . and if they will do business with you.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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