Monday, February 25, 2013

Motivational Power Quote

Doers Get It Done as the Non-Doer is Watching 
A non-doer is very often a critic - - that is someone who
sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically
about the doers are doing, it’s easy to be a critic,
but being a doer requires effort, risk and change.”
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Self-Help Author and Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Doers get it done as the non-doer is watching

The doers in life . . . . get the job done when it has to be done. They won’t stand around making excuses or . . . . just keep talking about what has to be done. Doers find a way to just get the job done.

The doers get it done by getting started and . . . . follows through until the task is successfully done.

A doer will say to themselves . . . . why not, why not me and why not right now. The doer is a forward thinker that pushes forward . . . . with an air of self-confidence searching out the successful conclusions.   

The critic can find a million reasons . . . . why something can’t be done.  They will try to convince everyone around them that will listen to them

. . . . that the task is impossible to do successfully. The critic motto is it can’t be done so why should I even try.

The critic just makes excuses and complains.

The doer just makes progress and moves forward.

The biggest difference between a doer and critic . . . . is the doer is getting it done successfully. While the critic a bystander and watching the doer successfully completing the task. The critic will still be saying it can’t be done or how they would have done it differently.   

Doers get it done as the non-doer is watching . . . . When you need something done find a doer.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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