Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Does Motivation and Bathing Have in Common?

Motivational Power Quote

What Does Motivation and Bathing Have in Common?
“People often say that motivation
doesn’t last.
Well neither does bathing –
that’s why we recommend daily.”
Zig Ziglar, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

What does motivation and bathing have in common?

The pessimist will say that motivation won’t last, well guess what bathing doesn’t last either, and should be done daily.

It’s highly recommended that we receive a healthy dose of motivation daily to keep us focused on moving in the right direction with passion.

Our motivations are the vitamins that keep our mind inspired with enthusiasm. Motivation keeps us at a high level of performance to achieve our desired outcome.

Without motivation we drift backwards and move further away from success with increased frustration.

When we’re not bathing daily you begin to smell, without motivation our attitude shrinks and we begin to stink. It’s best to have a daily habit of bathing and recharging your motivation.

Motivation is a driving force to focus us on our success journey.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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