Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Prioritize What Needs to Be Done

Motivational Power Quote

Prioritize What Needs to Be Done
“Prioritize any items that needs to be completed,
set a completion date,
then do it.”
William Arthur Ward, author

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Prioritize what needs to be done

Determine what the most important things are in your life and in what the order they need to be done. Prioritize the order by there importance’s of what has to be accomplished first.

Prioritize your time on the basis of what the important and invest your time to get the most important things done be there order of importance.

Remove the clutter and focus your energy on what’s most important.

When we’re working on our priorities we add value to the things that we have completed and a sense of importance to our day and our time.

We become more productive and maximize the use of our time and how we use our day.

When we determine what has to be completed find a way to get it done.

Prioritize what needs to be done and make study progress in getting the things done by there order of importance’s.

©2009 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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