Thursday, January 28, 2010

Actions Are Determined By Our Motivation

Motivational Power Quote

Actions Are Determined By Our Motivation

“Every human action,
whether it has become
positive or negative,
must depends on motivation.”
Dalai Lama

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Actions are determined by our motivation.

The actions we take will be determined by our motivation.

With positive motivation we will take positive actions.

With negative motivation we will take either negative actions or action at all.

Our actions will determine the path that we will take on our success journey. One of moving forward in the direction of our goals, or one that takes us on a detour and ends up at the rest stop.

You control your level of motivation, your actions and your outcome.

Everything you do will be affected by your motivation; keep it laser focused and on target.

®2010, Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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