Wednesday, May 29, 2013

You Create Your Circumstances

Motivational Power Quote

You Create Your Circumstances
Man is not the creature of circumstances;
circumstances are the creatures of men.”
Benjamin Disraeli 1804 - 1881, British Prime Minister,
Parliamentarian, Statesman

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You create your circumstances  

The circumstances that you find yourself in today have been created . . . . as a bi-product of your thinking and your past actions. You become the person in your thoughts and your actions are a direct reflection of your thinking.

You are not always able to predict a circumstance or control what caused the circumstance to occur. But no matter what circumstance that you find yourself in . . . . you can control how you respond to that condition.

The mindset that you bring into your daily life creates the circumstances that you will experience in that day . . . . and in the results that you achieve.

You can look at your circumstances and walk away from them . . . . we can ignore them . . . . or we can positive actions to resolve them. What we do is your choice and in that choice you either take control of the circumstances in your life or your circumstances control you. What you do with those circumstances will define you as a person.

You create your circumstances . . . . and in those circumstance you create your life How handle your circumstances will determine . . . . the direction that your life takes.

©2013 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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