Monday, November 19, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

Good Judgment Comes From Experience
I learned that good judgment comes from experience
and that experience grows out of mistakes.”
Omar Bradley 1893 - 1981, U.S. Army General  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Good judgment comes from experience

We are not born with good judgment we develop it over time and in our efforts to grow as a person.

Good judgment comes as a result of trial and error and in making decisions in both the good times as well as in the times of adversity. You learn from your decision making experiences and how those decisions have impacted the situations.

Your life experiences become the foundation for your knowledge and understanding and you will grow into wisdom and good judgment.

As you apply your wisdom to the situations you encounter you accumulate experience and that experience will become the basis of good judgment.

Good judgment comes from experience . . . . is a process. You were not born with it; it’s earned as a result of attending the school of hard knocks and learning from your life experiences.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant,  Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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