Friday, January 27, 2012

People Will Pay For Value

Motivational Power Quote 

People Will Pay For Value
“That which costs little is less valued.”
Miguel de Cervantes, 1547 – 1616 Spanish Novelist and Playwright   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

People will pay for value

The lowest price without value has limited or no value to the consumer. If the product or service doesn’t deliver on the promise it has very little or no value.

As a professional the price of our service or product is directly related to the value and quality we deliver to the consumer. A product that meets and exceeds the consumer expectation increases the value of the product in the eye of the consumer.

A consumer is willing to pay more for a quality product or service that exceeds their expectations.

Exceptional customer service is priceless. A satisfied consumer is more likely to reuse our services and refer us to their friends and family.

When someone is considering buying your product or using your services they should be judging us based on the quality of our product or service not on our price.

If the consumer is focusing on price only, we have not effectively established our value in the eyes and the mind of the consumer. Your product or service value proposition has to be established before we can effectively create value in our pricing.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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