Wednesday, August 31, 2011

You Can Change Anything

Motivational Power Quote

You Can Change Anything
“You can change your health,
you can change your relationships,
you can change your income,
you can change anything.”
Bob Proctor, author, speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You can change anything

You can change anything in your life the moment that you decide you want it changed.

You are responsible for how you respond to the things that come into your life, how you handle the conditions in you life and what changes you make to keep you and a positive path.

Take control of your life: manage the conditions that come into your life. Make adjustments to the thing that are no longer working effectively and remove the thing from your life that are holding you back.

Make the decision to do what as to be done. Determine what changes will be necessary for you to reach your full potential by there order of importance.

Select the most important changes you want to achieve in your life to keep you moving forward and take the steps to make the change happen.

The only person that makes changes in your life is you.

When you make changes you will feel the weight of old baggage being removed from your life and feel a sense of stress being removed from your life.

You can change anything in your life that you want to change and choose to change the moment that you recognize what needs to be changed and take the action to make the change happen.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

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