Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raising the Bar of Expectations

Motivational Power Quote

Raising the Bar of Expectations

"Achievement is largely the
product of steadily raising
one's levels of aspiration
and expectation."
Jack Nicklaus, American professional golfer

As I see it. . . . . . . .
When we establish crystal clear expectations for our future, we create the foundation in our minds on how we will achieve our maximum potential.
Steadily raising the bar of our expectations and aspirations just a little higher and a little out of our reach cause us to stretch out of our comfort zone. As we stretch out of our comfort zone we stretch our potential, as a result our potential steadily grows and will never return to its previous size.
Continually raising the bar of expectations will maximize our achievements.
®Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Trainer Speaker, Author

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