Monday, June 30, 2008

Does My Ad Comply with The HUD Guidelines?

Do I have to put the Fair Housing Logo in my display advertizing? This is a great question asked by a student in a recent Fair Housing and Diversity Class.

What triggered this question was the previous weekend’s real estate selection of the local newspaper. Both builders and Realtors® display ads appeared in this section.

The student showed me the newspaper and we proceeded to count twenty-nine display ads located in the section. Then we counted the ads with the Equal Housing Opportunity Logo. Seventeen of the twenty-nine ads did not have the logo in the ad and as a result, they were in non-compliance of HUD guidelines for sales and were subject to a HUD complaint and fine.

There was a lively discussion regarding the Fair Housing Logo in their marketing.

What HUD clearly states on their website located at is the following:

“The Equal Housing Opportunity Logo, slogan and statement in all printed material used in the connection with sales.”

In general terms, Realtors® have to include the logo in all of their marketing including display ads. HUD has not enforced the logo in small classified ads.

If charged with a violation, not knowing the HUD guidelines will not be a defense.

Manage your business risks. . . . . .

Know the HUD guidelines. . . . .

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