Friday, October 31, 2014

A Success Magnet  
“Everybody is like a magnet. You attract to yourself
reflections of that which you are.. If your friendly,
then everyone else seems to
be friendly too.”
Dr. David Hawkins, Physician, Lecturer   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
A success magnet

You become a reflection of your thinking . . . . and the message that you send out to the world.

As you think you do . . . .  and become. What you attract in life becomes a direct reflection of your actions.

You are a success magnet . . . . and you will attract what you send out.

Send out a positive message . . . . and you will attract greater success into your live.

Believe that you are a success magnet start each with positive thinking . . . . and the vision of success in your mind and heart. Take the actions each day that are required to keep you moving closer to success.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A World Class Thinker Has the Awareness

A World Class Thinker Has the Awareness
“The ultimate goal of a world class thinker is to ascend to
the highest level of awareness in the shortest amount
of time. The more aware you become, the more
successful and happy you will be.”
Steve Siebold, Speaker

As I see it . . . . . . .
Be a world class thinker has the awareness

World class thinkers have written goals . . . . and a clear purpose in their mind and actions. They have an awareness of where they’re going and a plan on how they’re going to get there. What they’re not thinking about is a maybe. They’re focusing on “IT’S A MUST.”

A world class thinker; thinks through a process . . . . and evaluates the conditions,  knows what the next step is. . . . and takes it. They will take massive action to achieve their goals . . . . and to successfully reach their objectives.

World class thinkers are conscious about their surroundings. They know where they are today . . . . and what they will have to do to successfully cross the finish line. As a result of their awareness they will grasp the day . . . . and push forward with a purpose.

Through they’re awareness, they are to responsive to change . . . . and will continually sharpen their skills to stay ahead of the business curve . . . . to keep themselves at the top of their profession.

A world class thinker thinks in the present. . . .  and plans for the future.

By focusing on the future they are investing their thinking and energy on creating a successful future. They won’t live in the past and when they think about the past they’re referencing the past as a learning experience . . . . and use the history as  building blocks for the future.

They will do their best to move forward with a purpose and a plan . . . . and not to leave things to chance. They stay in control of their success journey and in their future.

A world class thinker has the awareness . . . . of what they have to do to succeed and they will do it. As a result they will remain in control of their success journey and their destiny.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

When You Believe It’s Possible

When You Believe It’s Possible
“The only way to discover the limits of the possible
is to go beyond them in to the impossible.”
Arthur C. Clark, Author, Futurist  

As I see it . . . . . . .
When you believe it’s possible  

Breakthroughs don’t occur in the status quo. Breakthroughs take place when you stretch yourself beyond what’s possible . . . . and stretch yourself into what others consider as being impossible.

Doing what you do . . . . and doing it in the same way that you have also been doing it, will get you at best no more then what you’re been getting. In many cases what you are doing has reached its limit . . . . and will experience demising returns on your investment of time and efforts.

One of the biggest deterrence to stretching your limits is the fear of moving out of your comfort zone of doing what’s comfortable and familiar.

Doing the impossible is really removing the fear of the uncertainly of doing something new . . . .  and stepping outside of your comfort zone to do it. 

When you look around you there are so many businesses and business models that have failed because they did not step outside of their comfort zone . . . . and stretch the limits to achieve greater success.

A good example of a failing business model is the post office. The business model has been failing for years and losing money. Instead of reinventing themselves they have been putting band aids on their business model.

Look at FedEx a furnishing business model. FedEx has taken the overnight movement of packages worldwide . . . . and made into an art as well as profitable.

The post office continues to operate in their comfort zone of a failing business model. While FedEx when into the impossible stretched the limits . . . . reinvented a business model and operates a successful business and profitable business.

What’s possible and what’s impossible is in the way you think and in your personal beliefs.

When you believe it’s possible . . . . You will be willing step out of your comfort zone to create the results in your beliefs. To go beyond what’s possible you have to stretch your thinking into the possible zone to make it happen.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, October 27, 2014

You Were Born to Stand Out

You Were Born to Stand Out
“Why fit in when you were born to stand out.”
Dr. Seuss  

As I see it . . . . . . .
You were born to stand out

You are you . . . . and you were meant to be the best you . . . . that you can be.

Set the standard for who you want to be. Set your standards high . . . . and set your standard to stand out . . . . and not to fit in.

Many people will say to you fit in . . . .and be just like me. Move above the fit in like me thinking . . . . and move into I will stand out zone. Be the best you that you can be . . . . and stand out.

There are people that spend their lives trying to fit in . . . . and living by other people’s standards. They are comfortable in being around the people like them . . . . and they will try to influence you to fit in . . . . and be just like them.

When you fit in you give up your individually . . . . And conform to someone’s standards of who they think you are . . . . and who you should be.

With the belief that you were meant to be the best you that can be . . . . Set your standards high and not to fit in and you will come to realize that you were born to stand out.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Our Life Is What We Make It

Our Life Is What We Make It
“Life is what we make it,
Always has been, always will be.”
Grandma Moses 1860 – 1961, American Folk Artist

As I see it . . . . . . .
Our life is what we make it

Life is short . . . . make the most of it everyday.

Enjoy being with the people . . . . that are most important to you.

Believe in yourself and in your ability . . . . and other people will believe in you.

Take care of your health . . . . it’s an irreplaceable resource.

Be a continual learner . . . . and you will open up a new world of opportunity.

Take a break and enjoy the moment . . . . or they will pass you by.

Have faith in yourself . . . . and you will release your personal power.

Dream big dreams . . . . and you will find a way to achieve them.

Have written goals . . . . and you will reach them.

Commit yourself to living a happy and fulfilling life.

Challenge yourself to be the best you can be . . . . and the can be yours.

Determine what’s most important to you . . . . and find a way to achieve it.

Help someone without looking for recognition . . . . and you will change their life and yours in the process.

Be grateful for what you have . . . . and you will no go without. 

Treat people the way you want to be treated . . . . and you will find that people will treat the way you want to be treated.

Our life is what we make it . . . . and your life can make it anything you want it to be.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Real Security in Life

Real Security in Life
“The only real security that a man will have in this world
is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability.”
Henry Ford 1863 - 1942, American Entrepreneur and
Founder of the Ford Motor Company

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Real security in life

Real security in life comes from within. The personal choices that you make . . . . and your commitment to you personal development will lay down a solid foundation for your success journey.

You are the only person that can create a pathway to greater security in your life.

You create that security in your life by preparing in advance for your success journey and having the courage to make mid-course adjustments. It’s also in knowing the course that you want to follow on your success journey.

You will also have to develop . . . . and maintain the skills that will put you on the leading edge of your profession . . . . That edge creates a strategic advantage in your efforts to achieve your desired results.

To say on point you have to take the necessary actions to achieve the desired results on your success journey.

You create your security by developing the necessary skills . . . . and taking the actions to become excellent in your chosen field.

You will need to gain the experience to understand your profession . . . . and know what steps are required to succeed. The experience is support your knowledge in your field . . . . and how to use that knowledge effectively.

When you take your experience and combine it with your knowledge and take massive action . . . . you create the formula for creating security in your life. 

Real security in life is not created in vacuum . . . it’s an on purpose activity. When you combine it with your choices you create your security and your future.

You create real security in life . . . . and will reap the benefits of your experiences and your efforts.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, October 24, 2014

You Have to Use It or You Lose It

You Have to Use It or You Lose It
“God gives everyone certain attributes, characteristics,
talents, and then he says, ‘if you use what  you
have I’ll increase it, But if you don’t use it,
you lose it.’ Use it or lose it; it’s a law.”
Charlie “Tremendous’ Jones, Motivational Speaker     

As I see it. . . . . . . .
You have to use it or you lose it

Talent is meant to be used . . . . and to be expanded. As you expand your talents you grow as a person. That growth enables you to achieve greater levels of success . . . . and enjoy a more productive life.

The more you use your talents the more it grows, expands . . . . and the more valuable it becomes to you.

Talent that goes unused will wither away much like unpicked fruit from a tree . . . . and will return very little or no benefits to the holder.

Talent is meant to be expanded and stretched. Once expanded your talents never return to its original size.

You build your future from your strengths. When you take your talents and continually expand them you expand not only your talent but you expand your future. 

You have to use it or you lose it. Bring your talents to the surface . . . . and no matter what level talent that you currently have maximize the talent the you have. And continually to build on them . . . . and you will expand your future and your potential.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Make the Best Use of Your Time?

Make the Best Use of Your Time?
“Perhaps the very best question that you can memorize
and, repeat over and over is, what the most
valuable use of my time right now?”
Brian Tracy, Self-Help Author and Motivational Speaker  

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Make the best use of your time . . . . and start doing it right now?

What can you do right now that will move you closer to your goals . . . . and objectives? What will you do today that will move you in that direction?

Focus on investing your time productive activities . . . . and avoid the time wasters . . . . busy work . . . . and the time distracted that take you further away from your goals.

Determine what the most important activities are today . . . .  and take positive steps in achieving them. 

When you invest your time in the most important activities you increase your effectiveness . . . . and accelerate your success journey.

Make the best use of your time . . . . and start doing it right now . . . . is to use your time in the most effective manner to achieve your goals and objectives.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

To Ask Why

To Ask Why
“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton
was the one to ask why.”
Bernard M Baruch 1870 - 1965, American Financier,
Statesman and Political Consultant

As I see it . . . . . . .
To ask why

Ask questions . . . . to gather more information.

Ask questions . . . . to understand.

Ask questions . . . .to learn and increase your knowledge.

Ask questions . . . . in order to help other people.

Never fear to ask questions . . . . and never fear the answers.

Asking questions incorporated with active listening skills . . . . leads to understanding . . . .  Understanding leads to knowledge . . . . and knowledge leads to the answers.

The person with the most knowledge used effectively . . . . is in control of the conversation.

Answers are the stepping stones . . . . to your future success. 

To ask why . . . . keeps you on purpose . . . . and it takes courage to ask.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consulting, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

No Excuse Zone

 No Excuse Zone
“The best job goes to the person who can get it done
without passing the buck.”
Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970, American Best Selling Author  
and Motivational Speaker

As I see it. . . . . . . .
No excuse zone

The life that you make for yourself . . . . is a life that you made through your actions.

You become a mirror image of your actions. People will judge you by your actions . . . . and the results of what you achieve. People want action and results they don’t want excuses.

Your actions will either move you forward . . . .and closer to your goals. Or your actions will have a negative affect on you and move you in the opposite direction moving your goals out of your reach.

When things are moving in the wrong direction you have to reverse the slide. Adjust your activities . . . your thinking . . . . and your actions to get you back on track . . . . moving in the right direction.

You are either going in the right direction moving your closer to achieving your goals . . . . or in the wrong direction taking farther away from success.

Operating in neutral gives you a false sense of security because . . . . there is no neutral on the success journey. When you’re in neutral you’re not holding study or moving forward at a slower pace. In reality operating in neutral creates a backwards slid. That slide will accelerate . . . . and you will move away from successfully achieving your goals at an accelerated pace.

Making excuses about a condition compounds the situation . . . . and makes it worst . . . . and increasingly more difficult to deal with. 
Referrals . . . . new business . . . . opportunities . . . . and success go to the person that has demonstrated their value . . . . and have created the reputation through their actions.

Your future success is found in the possible zone . . . . in that zone where you can imagine it . . . . you can achieve it.

Live your life through positive actions . . . . and live your life in the no excuse zone. Live your life forward . . . . focus on solutions . . . . and productive activities.

Lasting success is found in the no excuse zone.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, October 20, 2014

Take Control Your Fears

Take Control Your Fears
“I have not creased being fearful, but I have creased
to let fear control me.”
Erica Jong, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Take control your fears

Having fears are normal what you do with those fears is optional  . . . . and becomes a personal choice. You can control your fears . . . . Or you can allow those fears to take control of you.

Fear can paralyze a person from living a full and productive life . . .  it can create inaction . . . . and freeze a person in place.

Or you can elect to take control of your fears . . . .  by first acknowledging the fear.

Once you have acknowledged the fear you can find a way to adjust your thinking about the fear. Work on removing the fear . . . . or work around the fear. You are now in control of your fear and in the process to remove it.

The fear may still exist . . . . . but you now have far more control you’re thinking about the fear.

Take control your fears . . . . and you take charge of your life and your future.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fact . . . . People Want to Feel Important

Fact . . . . People Want to Feel Important 
“Everyone has an invisible hanging from their neck
saying ‘make me feel important.’”
Never forget this message when working with people.”
Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

As I see it . . . . . . .
Fact . . . . People want to feel important

Life is about making the other person feel important . . . . and bringing value into their lives.

When you’re with someone, make them feel like the most important person in the world. Give them your full . . . . and undivided attention. Show them yours respect . . . . and make them feel like the most important person in the world.

Successes in life and in business come through making people feel important . . . . and helping them to get what they want. As you help others attract more of what they want . . . . you attract more of what you want.

Making people feel important, makes them feel good about themselves and in turn they will feel comfortable in your presents. As to the extent that you make people feel important they will bond with you. Which will becomes foundation to form a strong lasting business relationship based on rapport . . . . trust . . . .and confidence.

The people that you meet have an invisible sign around their neck that saying make me feel important. When you do . . . . you positively move their world. Also by making people feel important new doors will open that where not there for you in the past.

Fact . . . . People want to feel important.  Do your best to help them to feel that way . . . . and you will nurture . . . . and develop your business relationships to a higher and more productive level.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Let Your Actions Speak for You

Let Your Actions Speak for You
“A superior man acts before he speaks, and afterward
speaks according to his actions.”
Confucius 551 BC to 479 BC, Chinese Teacher,
Editor, Politician and Philosopher

As I see it . . . . . . .
Let your actions speak for your

Every action that you take will have as an equal reaction . . . . and an element of risk involved.

The cost of success is the willingness to take action . . . . and the calculated risks in order to succeed.

Have the courage of your convictions . . . . and take the actions that will move you closer to your goals.

Conversely remaining in your comfort zone . . . . that result in inaction. Has a greater risk . . . . along with a higher probability of creating a massive failure, then in taking a calculated risk.

The cost of success is in your planning, taking action . . . and accepting the possibility of a calculated risk.

Act before you speak . . . . and let your actions speak for you.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Trainer, Speaker and Author

Friday, October 17, 2014

Focus Forward and on What’s Important

Focus Forward and on What’s Important
“We often spend so much time coping with problems along
our path that we only have a dim or even inaccurate
view of what’s really important to us.”
Peter M. Senge, Business Strategist   

As I see it . . . . . . .
Focus forward and on what’s important

In a busy world it becomes very easy to lose focus . . . . on doing what’s important and become distracted. The distraction if allowed to continue pulls you off track. You’ll find yourself drifting into busy work . . . . and on doing things that will not contribute to your success.

No matter how intense your daily distracters become you have remain focused on the big picture. In doing what’s important . . . . and will contribute to your long term success.

Your life is filled with distractors . . . . handle them in the order of their importance remaining focused on your objective . . . . and what important to you.

Losing focus is taking your eye off the ball . . . . and will result in becoming engrossed in putting out fires and losing focus on what’s important. When you become distracted you waste time . . . . your energy . . . . and you will show very little progress in your career.

When you focus forward and on what’s important . . . . and you are focusing your efforts and energies in an efficient manner on reaching your goals and objectives.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Focus on Getting Better One Step at a Time

Focus on Getting Better One Step at a Time
“Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.”
Emile Coue, French Psychologist

As I see it . . . . . . .
Focus on getting better one step at a time

There will be times that you encounter obstacles on your success journey. In those times you have to make a decision on how you’ll going to respond to the conditions.

You are also going to have to make a choice on how you’ll going resolve the conditions.

With positive thinking and a positive attitude you will approach your obstacles with a positive prospective . . . . and proactive approach to solving any difficulties that you face.

When you face your challenges with positive thinking . . . . and a positive attitude you are getting better . . . . and getting closer to resolving the condition.

Once you have successfully resolved a challenging situation your self-confidence grows. As your confidence grows you become more productive . . . . and are getting better.

You will use what your accomplishments as the stepping stone into the future to become better at what you do. As a result of the obstacles you have faced and succeed in overcoming you become better and more productive.

Focus on getting better one step at the time and you will never look back with regret. With hard work and focus we will go from good to better to best.

Focus on getting better one step at a time . . . . and with step you take you will become better . . . . until you become the best

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You Goals Are Stepping Stones – Not a Destination

You Goals Are Stepping Stones – Not a Destination
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as
important as what you become by
achieving your goals.”
Zig Ziglar 1926 - 2012, American Author.
Salesman, Motivational Speaker     

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your goals are stepping stones – not a destination

Having written goals . . . . and achieving them can have a significant impact on your life and career. Goals are a critical element for your success journey they give you both a direction . . . . and a purpose for your success journey.

In achieving your goals you can measure the progress . . . . and the pace of your success journey. By using your goals as a measuring device you can monitor your success journey . . . . and your forward progress. Too ensure that you remain on course, use your goals to help you to stay on purpose . . . . and to make the adjustment when stray off course.

Achieving your goals will allow you to move up the ladder of success and fulfill our dreams. You can carve out a better life for yourself and for the people who are important to you.

As you move through life one of the most important elements about achieving of goals is who you become. A result of achieving your goals, you will understand that goals are stepping stones – not a destination.

Do you reach back . . . . and boost someone forward?

Are we appreciative for your success?

Do we thank your mentors . . . . and the people that have helped you along the way?

We all know that success can be fleeing . . .  . It’s what you do along the way that makes you who you become.

You will achieve your goals as a result of your efforts . . . . your determination . . . . and your persistence to remain focused on your goals.

There has also been a supporting cast of allies that will help you to make your success possible.  Your family, friends, mentors, business associates and the list goes on. 

Successfully achieving goals are stepping stones . . . . on the success journey not a destination.  As you achieve your goals you open the doors greater opportunities . . . . and to set . . . . and achieve new and bigger goals. The people who have supported you in the past become a valued resource in your future.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quotes, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Your Attitude . . . . Your Choice

Your Attitude . . . . Your Choice
“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”
Scott Hamilton, Olympic Gold Medalist  
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Your attitude . . . . Your choice

A person’s attitude will allow them to scale the highest of mountains . . . . Or to walk in the depth of a rut. What they choose to do is a personal choice. Where they end up in life is a result of their attitude and their choices.

People suffer massive setbacks and failure . . . . and they choose to get up and dust themselves off get back in the game and try again. They have made of choice of not giving up. They have made the choice to push forward past their obstacles.

It’s not a question if you will suffer through setbacks and failure. It a question of how often . . . . and how nasty the setbacks and failure are.

You may not be able to control the outer conditions in your life . . . . but you can control the internal condition of your thinking . . . . your attitude . . . . and your choices.

In a changing and challenging business environment you can’t control the world . . . . but we can control your attitude . . . . and how you respond to the world around you. In having a positive attitude . . . . you make far better choices . . . . As a result you can focus your efforts on making forward progress.

Some of your days your progress will be measured in inches . . . . and on other days it will be measured in feet. It’s your attitude that keeps you pushing forward through your obstacles with the belief that you will succeed and reach your objectives. 

Your attitude becomes the thin slice of the difference between quitting in the face of obstacles . . . . in pushing forward . . . .  and success or failure.
Your attitude . . . . Your choice . . . . and your results are a mirror image of your attitude and your choices.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Monday, October 13, 2014

Live With an Intently of Purpose

Live With an Intently of Purpose  
“Often people attempt to live backwards: they try to
have more things, or more money, in order to do
more of what they want so they will be happier.
The way it actually works is the reverse.
You must first be who you really are,
then do what you love to do, in
order to have what you want.”
Margaret Young, Musician   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Live with an intently of purpose

Dream big dreams . . . . and turn your dreams into goals . . . . and take massive action to turn your goals into a reality.

Dreaming of what can be without taking the steps to fulfill your dreams creates a trail of unfilled dreams . . . . and lead to bitterness. Dreams that are converted into goals create a purpose in your life . . . . and a target to aim for.

Your goals create the purpose to move your life from where it is today to where you want it to be in the future.

Goals are the way to create the vision for your future and a pathway to bring the things into your life that you have dreamed about.

Achieving what you want in your life will require a vision of the future as you want it to be. Clear goals will give your life a sense of purpose and direction. But if you truly want something you have to commit yourself to achieving the desired outcome and to the hard work to create the results.

Success is not produced in a vacuum . . . . and if you want to live a successful life you have to create it.

Live a life of purpose . . . .Live your life forward . . . . and you will accumulate the momentum to achieve your goals and dreams

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Raise Your Level of Performance

Raise Your Level of Performance   
“Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance.
Raise your level of performance to meet your
expectations. Expect the best of yourself,
and then do what is necessary to
make it a reality.”
Ralph Marston, Author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Raise your level of performance

Set the bar and aim high . . . . push your limits . . . . and aim beyond what you have accomplished in the past . . . . and beyond where you have been. Move forward into new territory with a positive mindset and positive expectations.

You will never know your true potential . . . . or your limits until you push your envelope beyond what you have accomplished in the past . . . . and stretch yourself into the future.

Set your expectations to push you over a higher bar of achievement . . . . and once you clear the new bar, reset the bar a little higher to continue to stretch yourself to clear the bar.

Continue to aim high . . . . and continue to reset your bar. 

Occasionally you will miss clearing the new bar height. Don’t lower your expectations reset the bar . . . . and try again. Keep pushing yourself until you breakthrough the new height of the bar. And clear it.

Once you break through move the bar a little higher . . . . and raise your expectations.  

Continue to aim high . . . . and as you clear each bar. Edge the bar a little higher . . . . and stretch your limits to clear the new height of the bar.

Raise your level of performance . . . . to the level of your expectations. Within your expectations key the key to what you achieve. There are no limits on what you can achieve when you aim high and go after it with the determination to achieve it.

©2011 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Be Ready

Be Ready
“The great secret of success in life
is a man to be ready when opportunity comes.”
Benjamin Disraeli 1804 - 1881, England Conservative
Politician, Writer,
 Twice Served as Prime Minster   
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Be ready

An opportunity can happen in a blink of an eye and can be lost just as fast. You will either put yourself into a position to be ready to grasp the opportunity . . . . Or you will see it slip away into the sunset of missed opportunities.

Opportunities don’t come along everyday. But when they do . . .  You have to be prepared . . . . and have a positive mental attitude. To recognize the opportunity and to maximize what the opportunity offers.

It’s not the size of the opportunity when you first see them, it’s what you make of the opportunity you see. Some of the biggest breakthroughs are the results of recognizing a small opportunity. Then finding the potential in the opportunity . . . . and turning it into breakthrough moment.

The key to recognizing opportunity is to be continuously looking for them . . . . and mentally being prepared to act on them when you find them.

You will see the opportunities want you have an attitude of possibility; you will take advantage of the opportunity when you’re prepared.

When you see an opportunity will you be ready to take the opportunity to the next level?

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, October 10, 2014

When You Listen With Your Eyes

When You Listen With Your Eyes  
“Small is the number of people we see with their eyes
And think with their minds.”
Albert Einstein 1879 – 1955, German-Born Theoretical
Physicist and Philosopher, Developed the
General Theory of Relativity
As I see it. . . . . . . .
When you listen with your eyes

The person that gathers the most information in a conversation is in control of the communication. 93%of all communication is non-verbal the person who listens with their eyes receives far more information then a person who is listening with only their ears.

Listening with you eyes takes patience's and practice. Most people are so anxious to speak. They don’t pay attention to what’s being said . . . . and even less attention to the non-verbal signals the person is sending.

Proactively listen to the other person by engaging them in the conversation. By listening to them about 80% of the time and speaking with them with a purpose and asking question about 20% of the time you will gather useful information. Proactive listening will open up the flow of communications . . . . and relax the person that you’re communicating with.  

As they relax their non-verbal communications will open up as well.

If you listen with your eyes their non-verbal communications will give you an insight to their real thoughts what they are trying to communicate.     

When you to listen with your eyes . . . . your commutations will go to a higher level of understanding and will become far more effective.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivation Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author