Monday, October 20, 2014

Take Control Your Fears

Take Control Your Fears
“I have not creased being fearful, but I have creased
to let fear control me.”
Erica Jong, Author

As I see it. . . . . . . .
Take control your fears

Having fears are normal what you do with those fears is optional  . . . . and becomes a personal choice. You can control your fears . . . . Or you can allow those fears to take control of you.

Fear can paralyze a person from living a full and productive life . . .  it can create inaction . . . . and freeze a person in place.

Or you can elect to take control of your fears . . . .  by first acknowledging the fear.

Once you have acknowledged the fear you can find a way to adjust your thinking about the fear. Work on removing the fear . . . . or work around the fear. You are now in control of your fear and in the process to remove it.

The fear may still exist . . . . . but you now have far more control you’re thinking about the fear.

Take control your fears . . . . and you take charge of your life and your future.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management 

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