Learn How to Sail Your Ship
“I am not afraid of the storms for I am learning how
to sail my ship.”
Louisa May Alcott
1832 - 1888, American Novelist
As I see it. . . . . . . .
Learn How to sail your ship
Be not afraid of sailing your ship in
the storms of life . . . . be afraid
that your ship will never have the opportunity leave the safety of the harbor.
Learn the skills to navigate your ship
in the waters of challenging times, will build your confidence to successfully
sail your ship in any conditions that you encounter.
Doing what you’re currently doing will
get you what you’re currently getting. The question becomes . . . . is what you’re getting what you really want?
If not redirect your ship and set a new course.
Open your mind to accept new ideas . . .
. new skills . . . . and new information
to create a cutting edge personal and business advantage.
Learn the new techniques and strategies
that will increase your effectiveness and create greater levels of success.
Seek new information and be committed to
becoming a lifelong learner to propel you to the forefront of your profession.
Business today will go to those who
learn the skills to be successful and take advantage of the opportunities that
they encounter.
Learn the skills to leave the safety of the
harbor . . . . and to successfully compete and you will eliminate the fear of
sailing your ship in any condition.
Learn how to sail your ship . . . . will
enable you to set the course of success and fulfillment.
©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power
Quote, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author