Thursday, February 27, 2014

People Will Try to Rain on Your Parade

 People Will Try to Rain on Your Parade
“Great spirit has always encounter violent opposition
from mediocre minds .”
Albert Einstein 1860 – 1955, German-Born Theoretical
Physicist, Developed the General Theory of Relativity    

As I see it. . . . . . . .

People will try to rain on your parade

It’s your parade and your dream to live . . . .  Don’t let anyone bring clouds into your life . . . . and rain on your parade.

You’re never too young or to old to live your dream. Your dream is waiting for you to reach out and grasp it.

There no barriers to living your dream . . . . or to succeed except those that are self-imposed.

But I will caution you that people will come into your life that will see your dream differently than you do. They will attempt to break your spirit and shutter your dreams. If you have a bubbling passion to fill full your dream, they are there to bust your bubble and to kill your spirit.

The only way that anyone can bust your bubble is with your permission. Hold firm on the vision of your dream and if they insist on trying to bust your bubble have them take there excellence into someone else’s life.

Build your associations with the people that will mentor you and  bring a positive influence into your life and don’t let people rain on your parade.

People will try to rain on your parade . . . . Keep you dream alive in your spirit . . . . and move away from the naysayers that come into your live.

©2014 Lou Ludwig Motivational Power Quote, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


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