Friday, November 30, 2012

Wealth is the Product of Your Capacity to Think

Motivational Power Quote

Wealth is the Product of Your Capacity to Think 
“Wealth is the product of a man’s capacity to think.”
Ann Rand 1905 - 1982, Russian – American Novelist,  
Philosopher, Playwright

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Wealth is the product of your capacity to think

The quality of a person capacity to think determines . . . . the direction of a person’s life. The direction of your life can take you to the heights of success and wealth or down the path of a marginal existence.

Your thinking is an essential resource that fuels your success journey. The direction that your success journey takes is a personal choice.

What you primarily think about you will act on.

What you think about you will act out and what you think about is choice. The actions that you choose to take are your choice as well. Focus you’re thinking on your long term objectives and your daily thinking on achieving the things that will support your long term objectives.

Wealth is achieved as a result of your thinking and then by taking those thoughts and acting on them in a positive manner. 

You first choose wealth in your thoughts. The key that opens the door of wealth is our thinking.

Wealth is the product of your capacity to think . . . . and as you think you will do and achieve.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Genius is to Believe in Your Ability

Motivational Power Quote

Genius is to Believe in Your Ability
Genius is the ability to reduce
the complicated to the simple.”
C.W. Ceram, author   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Genius is to believe in your ability

Genius is . . . . the thin slice between ordinary and extraordinary.

Genius is . . . . turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Genius is . . . . finding a way to do the things that other people are not doing and to do them and to turn them into opportunities and success.

Genius is . . . . focusing on the little details and doing them with excellences and turning them into the big things that make a big difference.

Genius is . . . . when you hit a wall is to have the courage to scale it to a new height.

Genius is . . . . to do your best in any situation that you find yourself in.

Genius is . . . . to look down a dark road and to see the light and to take the step into the light.

Genius is to believe in your ability . . . . and to act on it.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Moments of Your Life

Motivational Power Quote

The Moments of Your Life
“It’s isn’t the big pleasures that count the most;
it is making a great deal out of the little ones.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The moments of your life

They pass almost unnoticed; they are gone before we know it . . . . in about a blink of the eye. You will recall too few of them . . . . but many of them were very important.  

Many of them where very special at the time, but your other priorities seem to out weight them and you forget them to soon. They may not seem like a big thing at the time but someday when you look back you will recognize how important they really were. 

Your moments are very precious and can never be repeated . . . . They are the moments in your life. Once a moment has passed they are gone forever.

Relish your moments and the little things that those moments bring into your life. When you mentally slow down . . . . you will recognize the importance of your moments are. You will find that in those moments there are many things to be thankful for.

It would be very sad to sit down one day to see that your life has passed you by and that you missed the special moments in your life. You will also find that many of the people that created those special moments will never know what they contributed to your life.

Focus on your moments and you will find that many of those moments became very special because of the people in your life. When those special moments occur in your life be thankful for them and the people in your life that helped to create them.

Make the most out of your moments and you will make the most out of your life. 

The moments of your life . . . . is the foundation that your life is built on.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Let the Sunshine Shine on You

Motivational Power Quote

Let the Sunshine Shine on You 
Meditate . . . .  Find purely, be quiet. Do your work
with mastery. Like the moon comes out from
behind the clouds; and shine.”


As I see it. . . . . . . .

Let the sunshine shine on you

There are days where you feel like you’re . . . . standing in the clouds, and what you’re doing seems to be . . . . obscured to the world. You continue to extent an effort and you feel no one is recognizing your efforts.

When you encounter the feeling that you’re standing in the clouds of obscurity . . . . step out from behind the clouds and into the sunshine.

Do what you do . . . . with mastery and bring your talent in the brightness of the day and . . . . let you talent shine for everyone to see.

When you’re not being recognized for your talents, maintain your efforts doing then with mastery . . . . . until those efforts shine for everyone to see.

Come out from behind the clouds . . . . And step in the direction of success and become a beckon for success.

Let the sunshine shine on you . . . . and reenergize you to do what you do with mastery.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, November 26, 2012

Winners See Themselves as Winners

Motivational Power Quote

Winners See Themselves as Winners  
If you can accept losing, you can’t win.”
Vince Lombardi 1913 -1970, professional football coach   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Winners see themselves as winners

In the game of life there will be times that you encounter obstacles, setbacks and failure. There will also be times that you have given your best . . . . and you still come up short of your goals.

Failure is a stop on the success journey and most people will make that stop at one time or another. Winners understand that failure does not define the person . . . . it’s an isolated event on our success journey. You can look at a failure as paying a toll on the success journey.

Winners overcome obstacles, setbacks and failure.  They maintain a positive self-image, dust themselves off and try again. Winners may get knocked down . . . . but they won’t stay down.

What you see in yourself . . . . is what you get! See yourself as a winner.

Winners see themselves as winner . . . . and program that winning attitude into their subconscious mind.

No matter what conditions winners encounter they will not quit on themselves. They maintain a winner’s attitude and they see themselves as a winner.

Winners see themselves as a winners . . . . act like a winner and take the actions to make you self a winner. Be a winner . . . .

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Wings of Your Imagination

Motivational Power Quote

The Wings of Your Imagination
The man who has no imagination has no wings.”
Muhammad Ali, World Heavyweight Champion   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The wings of your imagination

The person with imagination has . . . . the keys to the universe. That person can imagine walking on the moon and he did. Muhammad Ali imagined being the world heavyweight boxing championing of the world and he was.

A person with imagination can see things that other people can’t see and they achieve things that other people could never imagine.

Many people say that a person with imagination marches to the beat to a difference drummer. But in reality they are marching to their drummer and music.

Release the power of your imagination and you look at your life and future as one of endless opportunities and possibilities . . . . and one were the story as yet to be written.

The wings of your imagination . . . . will lift you to the height to where very few people will ever attempt to go.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Behind a Successful Man There is a Good Woman

Motivational Power Quote

Behind a Successful Man There is a Good Woman 
No man succeeds without a good woman behind him.
Wife or mother, if its both, he is twice blessed indeed.”
Harold Macmillan, former British Prime Minister 

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Behind a successful man there is a good woman

That woman may be his mother wife . . . . grandmother, partner or a support person in their career.

A good woman is there for them . . . . and seems to understand what a man needs at that very moment. They will be there to offer words of encouragement . . . . they will offer a compassionate ear give a gentle nudge or a push when it’s needed. They seem to have an innate ability . . . . to understand and encourage the man when it’s needed.

A man may rise to great heights and in their climb there has been . . . . a good woman there with them. That woman is also there when their man’s life has a reversal and everything is unraveling. A good woman is there for their man in . . . . the best of times and the worst of times.

Behind every successful man there is a good woman . . . . that’s there for them and their support will make all the difference in a man’s life.

A good woman is behind a successful man and that man is a smart man . . . . when he understands how that the woman as impacted his life in many positive ways.

A man should be thankful for a good woman and show her the application she deserves.

For behind a successful man there is a good woman . . . .

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Turtle Makes Progress When . . . .

Motivational Power Quote

The Turtle Makes Progress When . . . .
Remember the turtle - - He never makes any progress
till he sticks his neck out.”
Source Unknown   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The turtle makes progress when . . . .
The turtle lives their life in a shell . . . . And when they encounter any kind of challenges they retreat back into their shell to hide from the world.

Don’t be a turtle and live in a shell . . . . Be willing to stick your neck out to make progress.

To break away from your shell and experience what life has to offer you . . . . You have to come out of your shell and step into the world.

You have to first venture away from your shell and you will have to take a leap of faith to move away from the safety of your shell and into the world.

When you step out of your shell . . . . You have to stick our neck much like the turtle. When you stick your neck out there is an element of risk involved but also the sunshine of success there waiting there for you.

Remember the turtle . . . . The turtle makes progress only when they stick their neck out of the shell. Be your own person and stick your neck out of your shell for opportunity and success.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Break Harmful Habits

Motivational Power Quote

Break Harmful Habits 
“Harmful habits can be broken.
You can break a bad habit of thought
just as you can break a bad habit of action
and you can develop new habits
that are more helpful and healthful for you.”
Dr. Arthur Freeman and Rose DeWolf

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Break harmful habits

Harmful habits pull the person in the wrong direction . . . . and moves them further away form their goals and success.

Either we break a harmful habit . . . . or over time our harmful habits will take over our life and will break us.

Change the habit in your thoughts and in time you will break the habit in your actions.

Break harmful habits and replace them with new productive habits . . . . and actions that will move closer to your goals and success.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Bend In The Road

Motivational Power Quote

The Bend In The Road
A bend in the road is not the end of the road . . . .
unless you fail to make the turn.”

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The bend in the road . . . .  

Our life’s journey is not an expressway nor is it a straight road. There are many twists, turns and bends in the road to navigate. To keep your life moving in the right direction you will have to . . . . adjust to the condition that we encounter along the way.

Over a life time you will come to many bends in the road, what you do in those moments will shape your future. As you approach those bends in the road you may not always see what’s around the bend and you will have to . . . . rely on your faith to do the right thing in moving forward.

At other times the bend is slight and you can see what’s around the bend very quickly.

When you approach a bend in the road, approach it with the self-confidence. Believe that you can navigate it successfully and meet the challenges with the convection that you’re in control of your future. 

When you get to the bend in the road . . . . make the turn with the belief that you’re in control of the condition and the outcome.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, November 19, 2012

Motivational Power Quote

Good Judgment Comes From Experience
I learned that good judgment comes from experience
and that experience grows out of mistakes.”
Omar Bradley 1893 - 1981, U.S. Army General  

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Good judgment comes from experience

We are not born with good judgment we develop it over time and in our efforts to grow as a person.

Good judgment comes as a result of trial and error and in making decisions in both the good times as well as in the times of adversity. You learn from your decision making experiences and how those decisions have impacted the situations.

Your life experiences become the foundation for your knowledge and understanding and you will grow into wisdom and good judgment.

As you apply your wisdom to the situations you encounter you accumulate experience and that experience will become the basis of good judgment.

Good judgment comes from experience . . . . is a process. You were not born with it; it’s earned as a result of attending the school of hard knocks and learning from your life experiences.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant,  Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Sunday, November 18, 2012

People Grow Old When They Desert Their Dreams

Motivational Power Quote

People Grow Old When They Desert Their Dreams
“Nobody grows old merely living a number of years. people
grow old by deserting their ideas. You are as young as your
faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence,
 as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old
as your despair.”
Douglas MacArthur 1880 -1964, US Army 5 Star General

As I see it . . . . . . .

People grow old when they desert their dreams

When a person gives up and deserts their dreams . . . . they will lose hope for their future and it will prematurely age them both mentally and physically.

The person that has faith in themselves will find opportunity and a way to continue to strive forward in the direction of their dreams with a positive outlook.

Have the self-confidence in yourself and in your ability the reach your destination. Also believe that with persistent effort that you will achieve your goals and dreams.

Keep your hopes alive and your will remain as young as your hopes.

Your body may age . . . . but you will remain forever your young with a positive attitude that’s supported by your efforts to fulfill your destiny and your dreams.

People grow old when they desert their dreams . . . . and let their attitude turn sour.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Friday, November 16, 2012

Your Life Becomes an Echo of Your Choices

Motivational Power Quote

Your Life Becomes an Echo of Your Choices
“Life is an echo – what you send out comes back.”
Chinese Proverb   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Your life becomes an echo of your choices

What you send out into the world is returned to you in like kind  . . . . . and your life becomes an echo of your choices and beliefs.

How you see your world will be determined by the view from the path that we had chosen to travel. Your view is shaped by the events of our life’s journey and your choices.

The path of your life

The direction of your life is the path that you have chosen to follow.

Many times your current path has turned into a rut that leads to nowhere but heartache.

You are the only person that can make the choice to change your life and make the choice to climb out of the rut and into the sunshine of new opportunities.      

At any moment in time you can make the choice to change the direction of your life by changing the path that you have been following.

Your attitude is an echo of who we are

Your attitude will determine the way you see the world and the people that you come into contact with . . . . will judge you by our attitude. 

Your attitude will determine your actions and your results.

What message is your attitude sending out to the world?

The qualities of your choices

The qualities of your choices are returned to you by the quality of your results.

The quality of your results will determine your direction, either by moving you closer to achieving your goals or moving you further away from your objectives.

How we see yourself

How you see yourself is a mirror of how the world sees you.

Having positive self-image enables you to believe in yourself, in their actions and in your choices to move forward with confidence. 

A benefit of a positive self-image is being treated with respect and confidence by others.

How you treat people

People will treat you in a manner consistent with the way you treat them.

Listen to people and they will listen to you. Treat with respect and they will respect you. Show them that you care and share their concerns and you will create rapport. When you make them feel important you will become a person of influence in their lives.

Treat people the way we want to be treated.

Your life becomes an echo of your choices . . . . your  actions and beliefs.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Achieve What You Expect To Achieve

Motivational Power Quote

You Achieve What You Expect To Achieve
It is the nature of man to rise to greatness
if greatness is expected of him.”
John Steinbeck 1902 – 1968, American Writer

As I see it. . . . . . . .

You achieve what you expect to achieve

You will go as high as you expect to go. The person who believes that they will achieve greatness . . . . will find a way to make it happen.

There are no limits to the height of success that one can achieve. Success is there for the person that sets their sights on their goals . . . . and is willing to work towards achieving them.

Look to the stars and set your sights and goals beyond your reach and stretch your thinking and efforts to achieve them. What you believe you can achieve . . . . becomes within your reach with effort.

The only limit a person has . . . . is in their thinking, expect the best and expect to exceed your goals and make it so. What a person expects to happen normally will. Believe that you will achieve greatness and follow that vision with passion until you active it.

Everything becomes within your reach when you believe . . . . in yourself and are willing to expend the efforts to achieve greatness.

You achieve what you expect to achieve . . . . Expect it and achieve it.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Asking Better Questions Leads to Getting Better Answers

Motivational Power Quote

Asking Better Questions Leads to Getting Better Answers
“Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people
ask better questions, and as a result, they get
better answers.”
Anthony Robbins, Self-help expert   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Asking better questions leads to getting better answers

Asking better questions leads to . . . .  informative conversation and better answers.

Asking better questions is in part of becoming a great conversationalist, as you ask better question . . . . you gather better information and answers.  As you communicate you exchange information and accumulate knowledge.

Asking better questions in a negotiating environment leads to gathering better information to  . . . . effectively and successfully negotiate.

The person with the best information in a negotiating environment is in the power position to negotiate effectively. Put yourself into that position by asking better questions and then acting on that information to achieve a successful outcome.

Asking better questions and put yourself into a power position in your negotiations.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Step back and Get A Running Start

Motivational Power Quote

Step back and Get A Running Start
“When we feel stuck, going nowhere - -
even starting to step backward - -
we may actually be backing up
to get a running start.”
Dan Millman, author  


As I see it. . . . . . . .

Step back and get a running start

Did it ever feel like your life is going in reverse? When you do it’s time to put on the breaks  . . . . and turn it around and back on track.

If you have encountered a roadblock and there’s no forward momentum . . . . it’s time to get it into gear, get started and get going in the right direction.

When you hit a stand still in your life, it’s time to focus on generating forward momentum in our career . . . . and to propel us into the direction of our goals and success.

Jump start your forward momentum, recharge the batteries of your success journey.

Step back look at the path in front of you; determine your best course of action. Dig in . . . . and get a running start on your future.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Monday, November 12, 2012

The Law of Applied Knowledge

Motivational Power Quote

The Law of Applied Knowledge
Knowing is not enough we must apply;
willing is not enough; we must do.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749 – 1832, German Writer,
Artist, Politician

As I see it. . . . . . . .

The law of applied knowledge

The person that applies their knowledge for a positive purpose will find success. When the same person applies their knowledge combined with focused efforts they will open the doors to unlimited opportunities and greater success. 

Knowledge without the proper application of effort becomes of very little value to the holder. The person that has the knowledge and takes action in using their knowledge with a purpose will find themselves accelerating their success journey forward in the direction of their goals. 

The person that has the knowledge and makes the effort to work hard at applying their knowledge kicks open the doors of success.

Knowledge can point you in the right direction but without hard work and applying the knowledge for a positive purpose will find your success journey gets stalled at the starting line.

Knowledge along will not create success; it’s the application of hard work in applying your knowledge with a purpose . . . . that will make all the differences.

The law of applied knowledge . . . . is to take the knowledge that we have and apply it with a positive purpose . . . . combine it with hard work to achieve your desired results.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fear Become a Life Sentence of Inaction

Motivational Power Quote

Fear Become a Life Sentence of Inaction
The fear is worse than the pain.”
Shannon Bahr, forward thinker

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Fear becomes a life sentence of inaction. . . .

Fear becomes a life sentence of inaction . . . . and frustration following a winding path with no destination when we allow fear to control our life.

Fear disables the person into inaction.

The person that lives in fear dies a thousand deaths without making any forward progress in their lives.

Living in fear is like many things in our life . . . . what we do about fear is a choice . . . . we can surrender to fear or we can address it and find a to remove it and to get past it.

Fear can be best defined as false evidence appearing real. That allowed to grow will freeze a person and distort their t decision making and consume their life.

It takes courage to acknowledge your fears exist and to take the steps to eliminate them. But once you step out of the shadows of your fear they will begin to melt away.

Fear is a life sentence of inaction. . . . until take the first step to eliminate them. Take that step today and you’re on the pathway of removing them and feeling a weight being lifted from your shoulders.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Choose Wisely

Motivational Power Quote

Choose Wisely
Life is change.
Growth is optional.
Choose wisely.”
Karen Kaiser Clark, Inspirational Speaker   

As I see it. . . . . . . .

Choose wisely

Life is a moving target . . . .  just when you think you have everything figured out everything changes. Change can be good and enhance your personal growth. Or you can encounter change that will need your immediate attention to get you back on track.

Change is a fact of life and how you handle it is optional.  Change come many direction and comes around when you least expect it.

Turn the change you encounter into a positive experience and apply the lessons for person growth.

When changes occur you have choices.

How you respond to change will impact your life and future.  The person who looks at change as a potential opportunity will look at change as a positive event. The person that sees change as just another obstacle will see change as a negative event.

How you look at change will determine what you see, in the change.  How we see the change will establish the course of actions that you will take with the change. Seeing the change as a positive event with opportunities you will go forward with a positive attitude.

You will have expectations to make the best of the situation and find a way to use change to create success and personal growth.  You will move to the leading edge of change and take control of the change and our future.

When you become overwhelmed with change, your thinking will move inward and in time the change controls will control you.

Choose wisely because what you choose to do impacts your future and quality of life.

©2012 Lou Ludwig, Sales and Management Consultant, Success Coach, Speaker, Trainer and Author